In most socialist societies working is also expected... I'd expect automatization to help with that in a true socialist society though. On the other hand, I am not sure that a society without work would function. But a 20h week would defintely be much preferable.
What has she done except producing videos?
My fear of getting arrested for disturbing the public peace.
Liberal extreme right and authoritarian extrem right.
Man, took me too long to figure out who Toni is.
Might be contraproductive if google earns more with longer adds.
I use Greentuber on my phone. Don't know how to get rid of adds on my fire tb stick.
When I last entered the US in 2009 they took my fingerprints and a photo. I assumed it to be mandatory.
I also had to "please follow me" to a backroom, but I kinda expected this as a muslim. Met some friendly mexican and pakistani people there, so it wasn't that bad. I still decided to refuse all business trips to the US from that day on (and avoided tourist travel there as well), as I just didn't feel safe.
Same for me with python, I always fall back to R after 10 minutes of trying to do it in python. :)
Is it better than R? I am not so much into python (too embedded in R).
I use which costs 1€/month. It is simple, but works fine.
Should include a concept to reduce impervious surfaces in modern times. User experience is not the only variable.