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The status page is status.razbot.xyz.
All lemmy related services run on the "Raz Dedicated Server" and the "Lemmy Instance" is lemmy.razbot.xyz, which runs on the dedi, but the uptime monitor checks that the actual page is loading correctly.


If you want to donate, I have a paypal link here.

founded 2 years ago

IMHO a very cool project/idea, worth being promoted!


Poetry energy?

A pattern of notes is a tune. A pattern of words is a poem. A pattern of vibes is a ... what?


They've decided to incorporate ChatGPT.


Been out of the piracy scene for a bit, maybe about 6 months to a year, as I basically have been good with the streaming services I already sign up for. But this past week I've rebuilt my setup (my mini server died), and tested it by trying to torrent something yesterday just to make sure I still can, and I noticed Torrent Galaxy was down. Then I saw some articles that it's been down a lot lately. Does anyone know what's going on? Or was it fine and it was just something on my side, like a DNS issue?

I hope it's fine because that was the best public tracker I knew. For example, the show I was looking for to test my setup with couldn't be found on 1337x (TPB ended up coming through but I don't trust that site as much as I used to). Are they really cracking down on public tracker indexes right now? Have any good alternatives popped up yet? Is there anything we as a community can do to get around or resist these efforts?

I'm not even a diehard pirate, I like the efficiency and user friendliness of paid services or products, I just like it to be an option when I want to punish companies for customer unfriendliness (ex: I stopped paying for Netflix when they prevented sharing outside of household), and without public trackers the hobby feels too niche and exclusive.


Most of their casino ~~postings~~ ads are pretty blatant, but this one is so hilariously outrageous!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Firefox ToC discussion pushed me down the browser engine rabbit hole (again). Have you had a chance to daily drive some really good but obscure web engine that is not Gecko (Firefox), WebKit (Apple) and Blink (Chromium)? How viable is it for a complete switch - this includes banking, chatting, logging into websites, etc.

Edit: Added link to the Firefox discussion to give better context to my question.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apparently mozilla wants the right to get data from firefox users. But not like general information, they want to know what data you upload or download through firefox.

Without it, we couldn’t use information typed into Firefox, for example.

What the fuck? I use firefox because I want privacy!!! Not sharing my information with a company.

We need a license to allow us to make some of the basic functionality of Firefox possible. WHY DO YOU NEED MY DATA TO MAKE FIREFOX WORK???


Five Microsoft employees were removed during a company town hall meeting after staging a protest against the company’s contracts supplying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing services to the Israeli occupation military.

The demonstration took place on Monday, following an Associated Press (AP) investigation that revealed Microsoft and OpenAI’s advanced AI models had been utilised by the Israeli occupation military to select bombing targets in recent attacks against Gaza and Lebanon.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The news of the tragic death of Gene Hackman (RIP!) reminded me that even tho I had always wanted to watch it, I had never seen the French Connection. I did a web search to find out who was streaming it, and I noticed in the search results that archive.org had it on their site. Just Watch said on their site that Amazon Prime could stream it for free. My wife has a Prime account, so I made a mental note and decided to go to Archive.org and watch it there since I'm sitting at my computer. It loads up and starts playing, no problems, and then at about 10 minutes in, my browser throws an error, and Voila! just like that the video is gone, suddenly no longer available. I get immediately suspicious and log in to Prime, and no, in fact, I cannot stream it for free, but I can rent it for $3.99. Nobody on this planet can convince me that Amazon's greed didn't have something to do with it getting yanked from Archive.org...

Opportunistic assholes.


I am dysgraphic and use a keyboard for input as much as possible. I am taking a math class that has a lot of text mixed in with a lot of math symbols. I would love to be able to use my microsoft surface with a keyboard to type out symbols like ∈ and ∀.

I had the idea that I could use a customizable on screen keyboard. Does anyone know of a way to do that?

GPT-4.5 (openai.com)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I do not immediately judge those who are unlike me, but I am a part of the childfree crowd (and to an enormous extent promote adoption over childbirth, which is in no way atypical among childfree people), and the topic of being childfree showed up in the most unexpected conversation today.

So... I'm not going to go into specifics since many of them are already overblown topics, but I'll start off by summarizing and saying a lot of people hold a "neutral people are as guilty as the wrongdoers" viewpoint. A kind of Edmund Burke or Anakin Skywalker way of thinking that has been used when it comes to neutrality in promoting world leaders, not helping human lives, etc. I saw two people debate about this, and one of them brought up the question "how do you feel about people who don't adopt?"

"I don't judge them, it's not even that common. Why do you ask?"

"Visualize a bunch of children. Some are on the streets and some are in foster care centers. They suffer and suffer, and they look out onto the streets to see parents who willingly chose to go through the pain of childbirth to use their bodies to spend and convert a bunch of inanimate atoms into an entity that will be using more of our air and needs to eat [rather than going the painless route of adopting a child that is already in existence and needs a home]. Then they look at other people who don't want to give birth and have birth children but still look in indifference at all the suffering parentless children. Around half of adults on Earth are currently childless, and yet around a fifth of children are in broken homes or are parentless. It is the closest thing to willfully being evil that the majority of humans come to. I'm sure most of the people obsessing over insurance for example are going to opt for no children or for birth children."

That last part resonated with me. I'm testing this out because I'm interested in this as a mental exercise. What's your view on people who don't adopt, including yourself if you can justify it?


I somehow doubt this, but interesting read nonetheless


I'm in the process of setting up backups for my home server, and I feel like I'm swimming upstream. It makes me think I'm just taking the wrong approach.

I'm on a shoestring budget at the moment, so I won't really be able to implement a 3-2-1 strategy just yet. I figure the most bang for my buck right now is to set up off-site backups to a cloud provider. I first decided to do a full-system backup in the hopes I could just restore it and immediately be up and running again. I've seen a lot of comments saying this is the wrong approach, although I haven't seen anyone outline exactly why.

I then decided I would instead cherry-pick my backup locations instead. Then I started reading about backing up databases, and it seems you can't just back up the data directory (or file in the case of SQLite) and call it good. You need to dump them first and backup the dumps.

So, now I'm configuring a docker-db-backup container to back each one of them up, finding database containers and SQLite databases and configuring a backup job for each one. Then, I hope to drop all of those dumps into a single location and back that up to the cloud. This means that, if I need to rebuild, I'll have to restore the containers' volumes, restore the backups, bring up new containers, and then restore each container's backup into the new database. It's pretty far from my initial hope of being able to restore all the files and start using the newly restored system.

Am I going down the wrong path here, or is this just the best way to do it?


v1.2.1 Massively improve support for tram/metro stops, especially the Sheffield Supertram and the Tyne & Wear Metro. Overhauled the viewing stop activity with a RecyclerView instead of a ListView which looks a lot cleaner! Map improvements such as colour-coding metro/tram stops a dark yellow.

The update should be live on Google Play soon.


Experiment with Google Pixels: New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) collaborated with Google to use Google Pixel smartphones for track inspections on the subway system. How It Worked: Six Pixel phones were mounted on subway cars, using their sensors and external microphones to detect track defects by recording audio, vibration, and location data. AI Technology: The collected data was used to train AI models to predict track issues. The system, known as TrackInspect, identified 92% of defects later confirmed by human inspectors. Human Involvement: Despite the technology, human inspectors are still essential for maintenance and verification. Robert Sarno, an assistant chief track officer, played a significant role in labeling the data collected by the phones. Future Plans: The MTA and Google plan to expand the experiment to a full pilot project, with the aim of creating a modernized system to automatically identify and organize track repairs.

The goal is to catch defects early to minimize service disruptions for the 3.7 million daily subway riders in New York City.

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