But "was killed" is literally a passive construction
Well there goes my dream of quitting my job and living in a towel fort at Bed Bath and Beyond
Honestly I'm probably just going to keep mining the 60s-00s for music like I always have. Now that I have a job and less time to find music I'll probably never run out lol
Asteroids are basically piles of rock, it's not like we're going to be destroying lush ecosystems.
I had the exact same thing happen to me once, except I didn't get an ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE warning. It just listed a bunch of packages like it always did, except this time it was listing packages it was about to remove, not packages that could be upgraded like it usually does. That was 8 years ago, so maybe they added the warning some time after that? But by that point I'd already dealt with enough issues that I just lost all motivation to use Linux as a desktop anymore. It's just always something.
A self-closening null tag. Perfection.
Absolutely me: