looks like a waste of space and quite far from the person no? For sure they need good eyes
So it was designed for this mine I guess?
I'm not sure there's a lot of mine you're going down filled up, the images I have in mind are quite the opposite, but that's a really cool idea!
There actually is some design to stock energy this way, with weights you lift while having excess energy
I don't know about them, but I sure don't understand
I don't know, but in France people got scared by "HADOPI" which was a government organization to find people sharing files, and like they were sending you e-mails if caught! And if caught a second time, BAM a paper letter! Scary! Then I think there was something like cutting your internet, not sure it ever happened.
eDonkey was an easy way to share something with a group of friends via P2P!
wait, isn't it by default the case? they just change the scale to have a 0 to 100 percentage, or I'm missing something?
You're right, I'm on linux, I'll try it out
I have my locales set on en-UK because I prefer to have English versions, easier to troubleshoot problems
I wish I could set it as en-FR for other things, like metric system and 24h clock, but you can't
Crowd strike looking for a new market?
What's the smart thing I'm missing here?