Why would you want to get rid of squirrels?
I dare not google... Eye worms???
Man that sounds pretty great ngl
Kinda same
"I'm just rational and I don't like when people suffer"
So true, I always hear Fight Club's narrator say "I wanted to destroy something beautiful" when I cut that new sponges
Same. We actually cut them in half before we use them (no this is not a way to save up $10k in a year) and then quarter them when they turn to crap sponges xD
We use a combination of brushes with wooden heads (I don't like stuff with handles though), structured cotton towels from the drug store, and sponges from Ikea called "Pepprig" which I think work best for most things. They are also plastic but you can wash them easily.
Tbh we wash them and use them for really dirty stuff. Like when you need to remove mold with a chlorine spray or poop from your shoes. Then they get tossed because there's no way I am washing that again.
We're phasing out single use sponges though, but now I don't know what to use for the really dirty stuff.
the opposite seems to be the case here
Cries in Lindner
Do you have one or two examples of recipes from the book that you think are good?
This is how the Nutty Putty Cave became the Nutty Putty Grave.