Same, and when I catch myself doing that, I wonder why I do it, then move on with life and do it again later.
My father and stepmother were full tilt into this quackery. Today they don't talk about it as much, but they do talk about politics an awful lot. I'll let you figure out where they fall on the political spectrum.
I have a friend who is self-employed. He uses an iPhone and a MacBook Air. He only uses iMessage, Numbers, Safari and Apple Music for entertainment. He gets away with 8gb just fine and rarely has to reboot.
He probably could use a Chromebook or something even lighter, but the support and ecosystem were enough for him to pay the premium. His time is valuable to him so it was worth it to him.
What is the obsession with shitting on people's choices? I don't understand the irony of demanding choice in this industry, then shitting on people when they make a choice you don't agree with.
I actually like Apple’s approach to AI more than all of the others. I don’t care for Microsoft’s implementation at all. I just try to avoid Microsoft in general on top of that, so no need to complain about it.
But I do think Apple’s approach to AI from a privacy and implementation perspective is what I would prefer from a software vendor.
According to WWDC info released today, Apple is working on some LSP packages for Swift that can make coding with Vscode possible.
We decided not to stress, finish the citizenship later this year, and enjoy some time in Hawaii.
Oof. Considering his ex-presidential behavior in addition to his behavior while in office, this seems like something he would do.
We had original marriage certificates from Philippines with the PSA seal. We also had original birth certificates from PSA for my daughter. The USA accepted them without question for our visa and green card processing.
These are the documents that the consular officer held up to my face and said “these are garbage.”
We were not aware of the Apostille certification process and the USA, despite being a member of the convention, did not require this extra certification for our documents.
Greece would only accept them after they have been presented in person at their Manila consulate with the Apostille certification.
I did not feel it was a racism issue until the consular officers’ behavior made it feel evident there was more to it than a paperwork snafu.
I agree that I portrayed Finland and Germany as racist in an unfair fashion, that was unintended. The racism was evident only at this Greek consulate.
The information I received about Finland, Germany and Greece not accepting Philippines documentation was found here:
Upon opening this page I see that now Austria is now also not accepting these documents.
My bosses and their decisions.