privacy is important, kids
its a bad sign when 4chan feels more welcoming than your site
i think the only upside about reddit right now is that you can limit yourself to the subs you like and be mostly free of the bullshit (yet)
thanks for the answer. it really helps to understand whats happening when I notice this stuff. id like to be better at it, where can i start in an approachable way?
also how do we even defend from it?
code in some mothballs if its gonna be unmantained for a while. thats like programming 101
thanks, proprietary licenses.
can we finally move to open standards now or will these fucks keep on losing money just to spite foss? are they that afraid we read some of their source code?
not NOT use firefox' reading mode.
the housing bubble.
ai is probably close second though.
they are also worki g with the us 🙄
ublock origin has an annoyance list you have to manually enable, but it works wonders to get rid of those.
remember trillian? or pidgin was it called? you could message every service.
that was badass.
obligatory 🐧 that must be in every thread
as long as we are walking forwards, and not backwards or sideways, we can go one step at a time and we will be closer to something better.