I made a nightmare after watching this short.
Thanks, I ended in the parameters and found the repositories, but not how to update them.
How I do that ?
How they can unveil something which exist since an year ? Am I reading 1984 and soon OpenAI will have invented the wheel ?
Is that a new rocket ?
Lol, the crack appeared as soon after his death. Steve Jobs : no ipad air, no dividend for the share holders.
Guess what been announced in the months following his death.
Which AI it would be : emotional, logical, spatial, etc ? Because there is not one intelligence in the humand mind, but several.
What will be very amazing, will be an AM, an artificial mind.
Is it availbe throught chatgpt+ ?
Something which would be interesting, is to be able to provide it a depth map, and makes the characters moves around it. Then you could easily edit it with the source of this depth map.
I love how they describe the impact it has, the day after in the news.
Ok I read somewhere it would reach it's farthest orbit (29d and half) and stays there then.
It been brought by Black & Decker, no ?