You mean the patchset was on the mailing list & applying the patch was a simple Nix overlay?
I would be curious if they go this route with the future MMO …
Who is suggesting the source is only available on request? You can be GPL-licensed & both hide the source from public and compile something into the source later. You can even request money to get the source and still be GPL & “open source”.
“Source available” is just the fallback term for software whose source is, surprise, available (publicly or not), but isn’t redistributable or allowed to be modified (or has restrictions about who can redistribute or modify). This is why I get leery about the usage of “open source” & having a positive connotation while “source available” does not even if it can offer similar guarantees (& one could argue it could offer more user freedoms by prohibiting the capitalist/exploitative elements--ala Commons Clause or similar--but then the software can’t fit the narrow “open source” definition). This sucks since in practice something like Peer Production License or Prosperity/Parity licenses have the spirit of open source that most users colloquially think of for the term while not being recognized by the OSI (who get to define the narrow usage of “open source”).
Digression aside: in terms of being able to read the source for auditing, “open source” does not necessarily guarantee any more availability than “source available” for the purpose assessing privacy.
(You can take your downvote back now)
That’s not entirely true. “Source available” could still be read, audited, etc. but does not allow redistribution and/or modification (or restrictions to those such as can only be compiled for personal use or for nonprofits/collectives). Such a project couldn’t be labeled “open source” under the strict definition, but should still meet the important criteria for verifying any claims made about its source.
I used to feel this way with 2% cash back, but I don’t think it’s worth the privacy loss of giving a for-profit corporation all of my spending data. Where I live now, almost no one accepts credit cards in person & if they do, there’s a high minimum payment & you will be paying the transaction fee. After getting used to carrying cash again, I can confidently say I prefer the anonymity. What weirder in hindsight is many other places either not accepting cash or baking the credit fees into the prices so it’s cash payers getting screwed—meanwhile the credit companies get to skim fixed costs while providing minimal value.
rsync was created in 1996
My update failed for some unforeseen bug in the software
nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
Back in business as if nothing happened
Wreaths are in season 🌲
Willing to be wrong as I mostly observe from afar but the repo is here:
How z-to-z shielded transactions using zero-knowledge proofs snitching?
Zcash too if you enable it
There’s nothing to test when your data structure can’t represent an invalid state. So many tests are being basic stuff like checking nil & empty lists; basic ADTs can design you out of that whole host of invalid states. Further, if your language only allows side effects at the edges of the application & data types are immutable, you are way less likely to need all these mock utils or get unexpected changes to your data.