
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

ooh yeah, a good tooltip on mouseover would be perfect.

there is quite a bit of granularity to the options these days if you haven't tried it in a bit. I was able to make it work more or less exactly how i wanted.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

yeah, I've got it set to off by default. i used it almost like a spoiler tag. click the button to see the answer to "THIS AMAZING DEVICE DOES WHAT????"

[–] [email protected] 43 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

honestly, I always feel so much more part of the conversation here. on Reddit, unless you time it just right and browse young posts, chances are your comment will never be seen. on here you'll be one of 50 top level comments at most. and that's only the biggest threads. it would be nice to see more activity on more threads, but often when i comment on something with no comments it's enough to start the conversation.

almost none of my comments here get ignored, and the conversations that come out of them feel better. unless it's about Linux. you people are insane and unapproachable when it comes to operating systems. not because you're wrong, you're just... a lot.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

eh, as a photographer that works weddings, any wedding without a planner is hell for me. i might actually just say no if that's the case.

if you hire people to work it you should have a person who can be their go to while you are getting married.

if you go for an event like you describe people will be unhappy at the lack of food and leave after not long. if that's what you want, good for you. go for it. if you want people to stick around and have a good time, you need to feed them. that's expensive, even if you somehow make it all yourself with food from the farmers market, it's still going to be over a thousand dollars for most people. again, unless you only invite like five people, but most people care about more than 5 people. throwing a big party of any kind isn't cheap unless you throw a terrible party.

you don't have to have a traditional wedding at all though. my sister got married during COVID in her backyard on video call. it was lovely. a big beautiful wedding with lots of people is also lovely and uniquely fun. just don't let you relatives pressure you into things you don't want. there's where it always goes wrong.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

loose gunpowder* but yes, gunpowder actually burns very slowly. in fact, we have designed gunpowder to burn slower than old blackpowder from the musket days. it's the containment and pressure that makes it work in a gun. but it's also why it's not uncommon to actually shoot some amount of unburned powder from many guns. a thing that was difficult to know or prove before high speed cameras.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

lmao, even if i thought i could it's too low res to read.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

oh it's very true! generally when a bullet enters the body the damage it does spreads out like a cone from entrance to exit as more displaced material is accelerated and the shockwave travels outward. that's why the exit wound is generally many times larger than the entrance wound. a large enough round at a high enough velocity will start taking chunks out of people. that's why many were concerned the m16 wouldn't have enough stopping power when it was first being brought to the battlefield, it used a smaller round than the ak-47. it's not about the size of the bullet, it's about the amount of energy it can impart into the target. a heavier, wider round will create a much larger wound channel. the difference in damage done is much greater than the difference in the size of the bullet.

there are also a variety of specific types of bullets that can affect the wound created and the damage done internally. for example, in smaller, slower rounds that might struggle to create this expanding wound channel effect, they might use hollow point bullets. bullets that are made to expand and/or break apart after impact. creating a larger wound and transferring the energy of the round into the target's organs better.

generally, you can expect that anyone using guns designed to kill humans to be able to damage an area at least 4 times the size of the bullet with every shot. often more, sometimes less. so when you think about getting shot and whether it will hit your internal organs imagine the bullets are more like softballs. because that's the size of the exit wound they'll create. that is why i say it's generally unlikely that you won't fall when shot with intent to kill. i do specifically man using a weapon of war, not a .22 backpack rifle. honestly, people get shot with small caliber handguns often enough. they probably usually don't need to fall over. might feel like it though. i know i tend to sit down when I'm hurt badly enough.

uhh... I'm not a gun nut btw. i generally support sensible gun control and would even like to see something like Australia's method thought about for here (America). I'm just autistic and blame mythbusters for sending me down that rabbit hole when i was younger.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

clearly he lost his arms

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

hmmm, like they don't do a Hollywood fall, but they do often just drop. sack of potatoes style. there's a lot of stuff in you that could make you stop standing if it got shot. it's not guaranteed, but depending on caliber, it can be quite likely that they will fall. just straight down or in the direction of their existing momentum usually.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago

i bet it's honestly more more from like 4chan and other modern online racist communities. where they would mock aave with racist caricatures. agree with the rest, but if it's related to aave then i doubt the old newspapers were the source.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 weeks ago

it's so funny too, Netflix was the service solution. Netflix and Spotify being good for a while there was the biggest hit to piracy since it's inception.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

there's locked mail boxes here. like at apartments with a shared lobby. the owner just gets a key.

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