
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 minutes ago (1 children)

Exactly. Just like any other kind of proselytizing, it's better to just live by example and answer questions as they come. For example:

  • personal finance - manage finances properly, and people will notice that you're not stressed about money
  • religion/philosophy - live a worthwhile life and demonstrate the value it brings to your life
  • products - use them and mention them when relevant (e.g. my coworker loves their Remarkable and shills it at every opportunity)

People aren't going to change their behavior because you're pushing something on them, they'll change their behavior if they see something they want more than what they have. I think more people should self-host, but I don't get anything from others switching, nor do I have much control over them deciding to switch.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 35 minutes ago

I don’t hate totp, I just recognize the faults in it.

Same, I wish I could use security keys everywhere. I have an older YubiKey (version 4?), and it doesn't get used because only like 2 services I use support it, and those support TOTP. I would switch all of my banks today if I could.

So I stick with TOTP because it's "good enough" and works everywhere. If I had more than a small handful of services that worked with my YubiKey, I'd absolutely bring it with me everywhere.

hate the trend of companies requiring an app for 2FA…

Yeah, it totally sucks. I have decided to just not install apps if I can get away with it, which is nice because tons of them don't even work with how my phone is set up (GrapheneOS, no Play services). So I'm going to be a thorn in their side as long as I can. They should just support TOTP since it's already ubiquitous, and ideally also support security keys.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 39 minutes ago

Eh, I haven't convinced anyone, but I have gotten questions from my brothers about it. They don't come over often, but I've done a lot of work on my self-hosted setup, so I'll probably show it off at our next reunion (next summer).

My brothers both want to host video, and they've asked about ripping DVDs/Blurays. I've now finished ripping my entire collection (took a few weeks), so now I'm more well-equipped to answer questions.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 42 minutes ago

would you be using that HDMI port?

Yes, absolutely. At work, we use MBPs, and I often ask someone with the port to connect to the TV so I don't have to go find a dongle (and those dongles can be very finicky). I've had to work around the lack of an HDMI port, and it's been incredibly annoying for the almost 4-years I've had my MBP.

My personal laptop has an HDMI port, and I also use it frequently to connect to our TV. It's something I'd use weekly, if not more frequently. This laptop is older, yet I still prefer using it to the MBP, largely because of the HDMI port.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 44 minutes ago (1 children)

Exactly. And with AI tools, getting a transcript and generating a summary shouldn't be all that hard.

All I'm looking for is a handful of bullet points that give me a reason to watch the video. I'm not watching a random video someone posts just based on the headline, I need a bit more reason to invest my time to contribute to the discussion. And if you provide a basic summary, I'll probably do the legwork and find some articles to add to the discussion while I'm watching the video.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 46 minutes ago

Yeah, I'd need to run cable if I moved my machines to a closet, and I'm putting that off. I do plan to do that though, so maybe someday. :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Agreed. And I really wish we'd have a popular resurgence of privacy, but it seems we're going the opposite direction where people prefer convenience and "safety" to control.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

I'm more interested in multi-bay enclosures, but as you said, the chipsets tend to be kinda crappy. And that's what makes me hesitate to use these mini PCs, my use-case is for a NAS, but these enclosures are kind of expensive and seem to have pretty poor components.

So for now, I'm using larger cases to hold the drives. But it takes up a lot of desk space, so these mini PCs are very attractive, if I can get a compact external enclosure to work.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

TerraMaster, Orico

I honestly have never used either of these, yet they show up at a lot of retailers.

ASUS is a bit sketchy these days IMO, so I try to avoid them.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (1 children)

I've heard good things about Proxmox, but I have no direct experience with it. That would be a separate box that manages the VMs and everything, and it has a remote GUI option (webpage I think?).

If you want something on an existing box, just use KVM directly, or a simple frontend like GNOME boxes. I don't know about remote configuration, but once it's set up, do you really need to check in on things remotely? KVM will do hardware acceleration (definitely CPU acceleration, GPU if you configure it properly), and it has no GUI by default.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Yeah, I tried using a security key, but the only financial institution that looked halfway interesting that supports security keys was Vanguard, and they fall back to SMS, so it's functionally useless.

I have zero problem using security keys, but if it only works for a handful of inconsequential services, why bother?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago (5 children)

That's fine, if the poster really doesn't want to include it in the original post for some reason.

If you're asking me to do it, I absolutely do when I post videos. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect others to do the same.


Here's what I currently have:

  • Ryzen 1700 w/ 16GB RAM
  • GTX 750 ti
  • 1x SATA SSD - 120GB, currently use <50GB
  • 2x 8TB SATA HDD
  • runs openSUSE Leap, considering switch to microOS

And main services I run (total disk usage for OS+services - data is :

  • NextCloud - possibly switch to ownCloud infinite scale
  • Jellyfin - transcoding is nice to have, but not required
  • samba
  • various small services (Unifi Controller, vaultwarden, etc)

And services I plan to run:

  • CI/CD for Rust projects - infrequent builds
  • HomeAssistant
  • maybe speech to text? I'm looking to build an Alexa replacement
  • Minecraft server - small scale, only like 2-3 players, very few mods

HW wishlist:

  • 16GB RAM - 8GB may be a little low longer term
  • 4x SATA - may add 2 more HDDs
  • m.2 - replace my SATA SSD; ideally 2x for RAID, but I can do backups; performance isn't the concern here (1x sata + PCIe would work)
  • dual NIC - not required, but would simplify router config for private network; could use USB to Eth dongle, this is just for security cameras and whatnot
  • very small - mini-ITX at the largest; I want to shove this under my bed
  • very quiet
  • very low power - my Ryzen 1700 is overkill, this is mostly for the "quiet" req, but also paying less is nice

I've heard good things about N100 devices, but I haven't seen anything w/ 4x SATA or an accessible PCIe for a SATA adapter.

The closest I've seen is a ZimaBlade, but I'm worried about:

  • performance, especially as a CI server
  • power supply - why couldn't they just do regular USB-C?
  • access to extra USB ports - its hidden in the case

I don't need x86 for anything, ARM would be fine, but I'm having trouble finding anything with >8GB RAM and SATA/PCIe options are a bit... limited.

Anyway, thoughts?

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