He also doesn't have a passport, because they are issued in his name.
Paying billionaires to watch millionaires play games.
Line must always go up.
I like IMDb ratings as a broad gauge of quality. 99% of movies under 5.5 or so are not something I enjoy. Beyond that it's just taste. Although I like most movies in the top 250, the order of movies (x is better than y) is useless to me.
Have you tried wanting to be monetized?
But why create the problem in the first place? Why not step onto the bath mat with dry feet?
I will never understand people who leave puddles or wet bath mats instead of drying themselves in the already wet shower.
I used to be all on board with that, but seeing what a colossal waste of resources AI is, I've come to question other efforts like this one or calculating pi to a trillion digits. The trigger here for me was the use of GPUs, which I've come to associate with AI waste. Sure, I know they're just a tool. But I still don't see what value will come from knowing ever bigger prime numbers.
I didn't use to do this, but with the world being on fire I feel like I should ask whether the amount of energy put into finding huge primes is really worth it.
Could you even make a more obvious ad for Bluesky?
Yeah, I don't think there's intelligent life in our galaxy. Life definitely, on the level of microbes. But probably nothing higher.
My favorite is StalinSort. You go through the list and eliminate all elements which are not in line.