I must be dumb cause I still need 3 tries to plug in a HDMI/DP port.
USB B takes 6 tries: first three times in a RJ45 port, then 3 more after realizing I've been messing with the wrong port all this time.
I must be dumb cause I still need 3 tries to plug in a HDMI/DP port.
USB B takes 6 tries: first three times in a RJ45 port, then 3 more after realizing I've been messing with the wrong port all this time.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Sometimes you're working on an IoT device in a tight space, which makes rotating/seeing everything much harder.
Especially if you drop the cable it falls into a crevice somewhere.
You probably won't have trouble plugging it in the first time, but gods forbid you unplug/replug it then the cable rotates 540 degrees and you have no idea how it was plugged in before
Or just any dpdk program, where any gdb caused slowdown causes the code to "behave as expected"
Udon straight outta the pot while I try to slurp it down?
I'm a slow eater okay?
115C is a 600W GPU's throttle temp. I would love to see an iPhone pull off 600W with a battery.
Isn't the whole point of these things the "bloated" (CI/CD, issue tracker, merge requests, mirroring, etc) part? Otherwise we'd all be using bare git repos over ssh (which works great btw!)
It's like complaining about IDE bloat while not using a text editor. Or complaining there's too many knives in a knife set instead of buying just the chef knife.
That's just a Thinkpad. If they keep making them smaller eventually it will fit in your pocket.
"But what if they start putting fries in my ports? I can't have fries without any ketchup!"