This is why we trust but verify. Thanks mom for teaching me that cruel lesson of unplugging the phone cord to get me to bed (dial up days). It lasted about a week before I caught on you always came up from the basement before bed.
I'm so glad you never noticed I swapped my line with the guest bedroom. Also glad that ancient block in the basement could be hand wired.
There is anonymity and pseudonymity.
Do you need your opsec to be resistant to state-level actors (oppressive regime, censorship, illegal activities)? Well then you need to make sure you don't introduce anything that will deanonomize you.
Are you trying to be resistant to mass data collection efforts used for profit? Being on the pseudonymity spectrum is a good step.
Dealing with the latter is like dealing with a bully. Make it not worth their time. They just want to put you in bucket X so they can estimate the most likely way to influence you for reason Y. Pseudonymity is about having multiple aliases that get put into different buckets so their privacy invasive efforts are less effective.