Just collate them based on edit/deletion date... Each post will have a last-edited attribute that can be used for sorting. Even more so once the AI is bootstrapped enough to start recognizing the standard protest edit messages. At that point you hardly even need human oversight anymore, because the bot will be able to recognize "that's a fuck spez edit, ignore that; this post looks good; that's a Shreddit/PowerDelete edit, ignore that" and so on. Can even have it fetch the previous edit automatically when it comes across something like that, to a point where a comment removed by a PowerDelete tool is nothing more than a cover letter that states "there was once a real human-generated comment in this location".
I have a feeling there is a very large number of people just waiting for the shoe to drop
Truly it boggles the mind.
Once every year or two I'll pull up the song that I attempted suicide to and cry my eyes out for a while. It's good to flex your emotions in a controlled space. Helps keep you well rounded, IMO.
For anyone curious, since I'm sure someone will be - 3 Doors Down - Away From the Sun
Of course. Backwards compatibility for Nintendo died with the original Wii. That's almost certainly never coming back.
For legal reasons I am required to inform you that I am not a financial advisor. In fact, I am not real.
Now you have the time to actually write up a design document and let your half-baked idea become a fully cooked one before you drop a bunch of cash on it
It isn't a waste if people buy it. Putting M4s in the iPad lets them market it to rubes who think bigger number is better without reading the spec sheet or understanding their own requirements, and if they're already manufacturing M4s to put in other things, that's one less production line that needs to run. Sure, they could release an iPad Cheapass Edition with an M1 in it and sell it comfortably at a profit for like $80, but the market for those is likely to be small, they won't make nearly the overhead profit that the M4 iPad will, it requires an entire extra production line setup, and most importantly it isn't flashy enough for Apple. They don't want to release a product that feels cheap, even if it was specifically intended to be cheap. It's bad brand optics and they care about that a lot. Let China sell a bunch of bootleg tablets to people that want them, they're gonna do that anyway regardless if Apple gets in the train or not, and this way Apple isn't tarnishing their product lineup with a PoorPad^TM
Plenty of room in the back
Also a market there. Especially among programmers. You might be onto something.
More like, you know damn well that Jim keeps passing code reviews without reading a line in them, he's been talked to, still does it, and you need something actionable to prove it so that you can get someone's ass in his chair who does their job.