Musk cannot make a profitable company without government subsidies. Hilarious.
Even more than that now, and that's why I will never use spotify again.
These actions have real world CONSEQUENCES, and spotify is starting to see what they are.
"Wow, I can't believe these fire sticks are so cheap"
Stop using chrome, let the market share dry up. The only reason they can get away with this is because they have a monopoly and surely its against anti-competition laws. But who is gonna try and take on google in court?
Break up tech giants.
Welcome to our hellish future.
On DDG I can type in an exact company or product name and not get a proper result, it's crazy. Google seems to find the stuff no problem, it's really quite frustrating when the search engine isn't even capable of basic queries.
Written be Elon, parroted by CEO.
There has never been a more useless CEO role in a company.
Surely this is against anti-trust laws.
Imagine if Microsoft slowed down everything that wasn't on their services, it's insane.
Disfunctional goverment benefits the rich almost exclusively. Sad days ahead.
Qobuz has been fantastic for me. Great music quality and selection, and not just garbage hit list music.
There is exactly one reason I cancelled my tesla you stupid Muskrat.
It started at $7 a month around 90 days ago, so at this rate this price will be pennies by Christmas.
Or maybe it's just a bad idea?
All this furry crap that keeps popping up.