Theseusaurus, if you replace a dino skeleton's bones, with one from a different digsite, one bone at a time, would it still be the same dino?
Its only because they're bleeding money with sleeping views right now...
Cognitive Artificial Technogy
It does not. But it means they are trying to limit the damage caused by griefers, and moreso than just displaying a popup message with "please don't grief openstreetmaps" or something. Imagine how bad it would be if changes to openstreetmaps actually were immediately imported into the game...
Why does every article fail to mention that the ingame map only updates once every 3 years or so? And that this griefing is most likely done once per person, until they find out that the game isn't updated? (Because it's not sensational)
You can always just say no, since the condition is "always say no".
I wish I thought of this before getting rid of the phone...
I, and a friend of mine also experienced this. I believe it started after the "final" update, but there's no way to know. Needless to say i won't ever buy, or recommend, a google device ever again.
I'n just wondering how they can just get away with breaking the law for 5 years...
Infinite growth meets finite world.