It's probably cache or cookies. Netflix browser in private browsing would be a new session.
At the second home with the TV not working, I'd.suggest testing out wireguard on a PC that hasn't been used with Netflix yet and see if it has the issue too. This would also be easier to troubleshoot to find the root issue if it fails on the PC too.
Maybe this will be the one thing that will fix my ISP and let me play online video games without frequent disconnects. I think it's bad node or something, but I had my ISP at my house over 8 times and they couldn't figure it out. Meanwhile my unifi gateway shows a high ping at least once a day.
Go spectrum!
I used to use keepassxc for years. Kept it synced with sync thing, though eventually work blocked networking with sync thing so I swapped to vaultwarden and never been happier.
I read a couple months back Mozilla got some internal builds with their engine for iOS. This is the #1 reason why I don't have an iPhone. I'd probably get one next time I am looking if this happens. That or maybe Ubuntu touch or something gets more mature.
That's my car in the picture that I bought this year! Subaru and government fucked me out of my 8K rebate and locked me into the purchase to try and get it or losing $3k.
I have to pay 20% of my income on this loan, Subaru provided a low interest rate loan because of the rebate thing while loan interest rates were over like 6%. I do pay more though making it 25% of my income. Combined with my mortgage I am paying 50% of my income on loans.
Since it is electric and my commute was costing me $160 prior, I am saving about $100/month on gas at least. After 3 years I should have it paid off early. Thinking of getting solar afterwards so hopefully one year in my life my costs will go down enough that I can afford to do nice things or retire.
Ah TIL. From the user perspective they have similarities, but developer side they got some different use cases. Thanks for the references!
If you disable chrome and only have Firefox on it will use Firefox webview. Android should have make it use default browser or have a selection for default webview.
Dang man. Hitting me in the feels.
Sounds like a good reason for the client to ditch them too.
In America at least they don't help too much either. In other countries people have mentioned how they teach you how to do some basic things like installing the car seat. I assume it's probably so you can't sue them, but it feels like "here's your newborn, good luck!".