Why is this news?
I got a home server with a Nvidia Tesla P4, not the most power or the most vram (8gb), but can be gotten for ~$100usd (it is a headless GPU so no video outputs)
I'm using ollama with dolphin-mistral and recently deepseek coder
Spez and his admin goonies*
Never buy a phone from your carrier, they will do some evil shit to try and force you to stay
When can I expect to get depleted uranium rods to be delivered to my home?
Sounds like you got some job security, lol
What exactly do you do on the job? I'm more curious than anything. Doing fiber/Ethernet runs?
NOAA and NWS > paid bullshit apps
Weather data should be freely available
Honestly if someone manages to figure that out I would want to know, that way I can finally use my cars remote start 😄
My car got dumbed for me because they killed the 3g network it was running on
My point being I don't want to update that sort of stuff that can be automated.
I deleted my Instagram accounts, moved on with my life.
Facebook recently suspended my account because I didn't give them my phone number, I couldn't give less of a fuck. (Only used for marketplace)