That’s a bot account BTW. There’s a flag next to the name to indicate that but I guess it’s not visible on mastodon.
Firefox focus is pretty good, at least for what I use it for. I just need something I can quickly search with on mobile, the rest is in apps.
That is one hell of a domain name.
Yeah it’s pretty stupid, I only watch twitch these days using streamlink + mpv so I can replay whenever I want, but only since the point it started loading. Plus you get less delay than the web with the —twitch-low-latency option.
I have nutflex
You should get that checked out.
It’s good to start slow enough that you don’t feel tired after a workout if you’re a beginner, so you don’t burn out or injure yourself.
The ideal for me is when I finish a run and still feel like I could go on, that makes me look forward to the next run, but I always take at least a day off between runs. It’s good to also do strength exercises on those off days, as long as you don’t over do it.
Ok but decimals are still more useful and intuitive. Don't be afraid of the dot!
Decimals exist
Why is a third or a fourth more important than a fifth or a tenth or a half?
If you’re already replying to someone, the @ seems totally redundant.