A top of the line gaming desktop here (Hello from Portugal!) and I do mean top of the line, competitive esports gaming, will cost about €3000.
But when you decompose the machine, a good deal of money goes towards fluff like rgb, rgb components, glass panel box, etc - yes, I'm judging here - that if swapped out for non flashy items can shave off €200 or more off the top.
Plus, a gaming desktop can be assembled incrementally and will usually last longer and components can be used from one machine to the next.
Given you are playing for entertainment and not prpfessionally, a machine can give you years of joy.
There are precisely two instruments on this world I would try to learn:
Because, to my knowledge, it it the most annoying instrument known to humanity. It's loud, it's screechy, it's haunting, it's everything hateful in a music instrument and yet it is so damn epic sounding.
Silly sounding name for an instrument capable of sending shivers down your spine.
It is also ridiculously cumbersome and unless you know what it is, the basic reaction to it is wondering if a piano, an accordion and a jack-in-the-box had a threesome and nature decided to create the musical instrument equivalent of the platypus.
I like this instrument so much I created a character for a story that is a necromancer bard, that conveys spells through the music of the hurdy gurdy.