Yes, they have an infantilized culture.
But why don't your comfort foods have spices?
There'd be billowing clouds of steam coming from data centers if that were the case.
Pretty sure the water just goes through coolant piping and comes out the other side warmer, because water is a good heat sink.
Pagers are civilian objects, they're categorically different from radio equipment because they can be used by civilians.
Furthermore, these exploded in civilian structures among the civilian population. Pagers blew up inside people's cars while driving down the highway. They blew up on grocery stores. They blew up children.
It's terrorism.
The water isn't really consumed. It's not like the servers are digesting it or boiling it away or something. Doesn't the water just cycle through the system and then come out warm on the other side? There's no reason for that water to go to waste!
Seems like these data centers are just dumping perfectly potable drinking water because it's slightly cheaper than having their own water supply and cooling ponds.
These pattern recognition bots just allow the justice system to be stupid faster.
Can't wait for a hallucinating AI to report me for assault because I hugged someone in public.
It basically just turns coders into debuggers.
Or (heaven forbid) learning to draw!
yeah i was just havin a laff
My and many others' comfort foods have spices. It's really fuckn weird that some people find comfort in bland food for babies