I live in a VERY rural area. If I want to visit my neighbors, it's at the very least a 10 minute walk. To buy groceries it's about a 20 mi drive. If I want to go to a movie theater, it's a 40 mile drive. It's about a 70 mile drive to the closest city (sky scrapers and stuff)
There's no public transportation or even sidewalks. The closest town that is 5 miles away has one stoplight and a population of 700 ish. We do have a few restaurants in town though, a school and a post office.
I took my kids trick or treating tonight and, in the neighborhood we go to, everyone who is handing out candy sits on their porch or driveway and it's like a big block party. Nobody goes up to the houses with nobody outside because it's assumed they aren't participating. Being in rural texas, I probably wouldn't let my kids knock on those doors, only if that's what was the norm for the neighborhood. People be crazy out here.