
joined 7 months ago

Reading this I wondered ? I assumed it was only about really large weapons.

Routh has a criminal record dating back to at least 2002, when he was convicted in Guilford County, North Carolina, on one felony count of possession of a weapon of mass destruction, according to a review of state court records.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 1 month ago (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

The example you are giving about fighting back turned out to be in your favor.
But things could have gone wrong, especially when a whole group would have backed the other guy.
And by that you are sort of advocating a survival of the fittest which is maybe not a good idea
when you are small and timid versus some strong guy.
I believe it is not wrong to involve school personnel when bullying happens.

In Europe anti bullying policies were implemented years ago. I remember reading that in newspapers.

Here is an example of a school which has anti-bullying policy :

  • Our Anti-Bullying Policy is based on the principles that:
  • Each individual must be treated with respect
  • Bullying is never an individual problem, as it degrades the atmosphere at school.
  • Bullying is a problem that can be addressed.
  • All members of the school community (school staff, parents and pupils) are called upon to prevent and
    react against all forms of bullying.
  • All members of the school community must have the opportunity to be listened to, respected and
[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The US should improve treatment of mental health issues.
The US should recover public confidence in its political system.

The things you have suggested are just distractions away from these two points and won't fix anything.

Your point about mental health issues is about the victim being bullied or being avoided by others I guess ?
If I refuse to buy Nike shoes like all others, and if I decide to wear all black clothes with heavy metal shirts and I prefer to read books rather than talk loud and the rest of my class mates avoid me for reasons, does that mean I need to get therapy ?


After I'd read that the Trump shooter had looked at photos of Trump and Biden and their upcoming speech locations and the fact that the shooter was a lone wolf and bullied at school, I read part of the Wikipedia page about the Uvalde shooting . The Uvalde shooter also was a lone wolf and also used an AR-15. My thoughts right now are like this :

  • The lone wolfs probably have suffered badly from an inferior complex due to bullying and alienation
    and wanted to do something which made them feel historically "significant" instead of feeling completely "useless".

  • The US appears to have a pretty dominant machismo culture (Think about GOP with their MAGA, it is humiliating for women and minority groups) and so-called snowflakes are looked down upon. This is very bad for everyone involved.

  • Cops are afraid of citizens having an AR-15 on them.

What can be done ?

  • Should vote with our wallets ? Like stop using exTwitter now that Elon Musk has publicly shown support for Trump ? (On Mastodon I've seen many comments about people that did cancel their subscription to the New York Times and that seemed to have some effect. Finally the NYT is posting more critical articles about Trump and Project 2025.)

  • Should people talk more often to each other and avoid alienation ? In books of Gabor Maté he talks about the fact that most people in society look down on hard drug addicts but these junkies are still human beings. And the same goes for homeless people and refugees of course. They are still human beings. No need to automatically view them as inferior beings, right ?

  • Should we limit our screen time on mobile phones ? Are we silently producing a sort of zombies that cannot think for themselves anymore ? Should tech companies be obliged to make phone apps less addictive ?
    Should mobile phone usage during class in school be forbidden ?

  • Should we promote exchange projects as part of cultural improvement ? Like say 50 people from Congo Republic in Africa swap places with 50 people from California for 1 year, and then after swapping back talk about the experiences.

  • Should we in our education system or during leisure time educate people more on what happened in World War II and what we can still learn from that ? For example the book by Umberto Eco about how to recognize a fascist ( Ur-Fascism ) could be used.

  • Should bullying at school be pro-actively approached and make victims and bullies talk to each other under professional supervision ?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

To me there is a significant difference between a possible US dictatorship a la Project 2025 and the Western Europe where the far right is in some governments but certainly not close to a dictatorship (Things are different in the East of Europe, for example in Hungary). And there's more differences, compare worker unions in the US versus Europe. And compare gun ownership in the US versus Europe. Same for death penalty. I consider the EU future a breeze compared to the US future.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Europe, who is already seeing far right insurgencies due to a few immigrants?

A few immigrants ? Remember that Europe got a whole bunch of refugees from Ukraine to look after.
And the USA is huge compared to Europe, especially to some small countries in Europe like Belgium, Holland.
The problem of the rise of far-right is more complex.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I'd like to second that. When it comes to "far-right boiling point" several countries in Europe look like a breeze compared to Project 2025 minded US. Far right is on the rise in Western-Europe but things are not so bad yet. Not sure about the specific gay friendliness per country but countries like Germany (except the East and part of the South), Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, France could be interesting to read more about. Portugal actually had its borders wide open for some time for immigrants to work and live there but they now have some (but not so bad?) restrictions for non-EU citizens.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Depends a bit on what you'd like to achieve. I'd say play around with YunoHost on a VPS to get started and learn more. With YunoHost you will get XMPP and email server after installation, and then you can start installing other YunoHost apps.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Looks like a nice project if you manage to run your own gateway. People have been posting about this one on Lemmy before https://lemmy.ml/comment/376398 and maybe the software code author is on Lemmy as well : https://lemmy.ml/post/2045121

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Maybe this can help after installing pi-hole : https://www.pivpn.io

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 months ago
  • UPS, good idea.

  • backups too.

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