
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Considering companies can easily sell new copies of games after 2 years, I'd still be fine with a longer period of time. I want developers to make money.

I've seen a Kickstarter that would open source their game after 2 years if they raised $4.4 million or so. They didn't reach that goal, but they open sourced the previous game in the series after about 10 years.

For just removing DRM, I think somewhere between 2 and 10 years is the sweet spot. I mean, I've still got 10-year old games on my list I'd be willing to buy, haha

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Your comment reminded me of the time I tried to connect my new phone number to my accounts, but had trouble with Amazon and AirBnB because the last guy with the number forgot to update his accounts.

Amazon told me it'd have to delete the old account before allowing me to connect my new number.

That's not even the worst one though.

AirBnB gave me no other option than to log in to the other guy's account through nothing but the SMS recovery code (which came to my phone since I have his old number now), starting the account recovery process from within his account, and then removing the phone number from his account.

After logging out (and closing the private browsing window and turning off the VPN), I was then able to link the phone number to my account. (And yes, I tried everything else -- from within my account, it told me "Sorry, this number is linked to another account")

Never had a problem with AirBnB or the new phone number since then though!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Same here! I spent a lot of time in Midgar, so it felt like the whole game could take place there. But stepping onto the world map was an amazing experience partially because of how amazing Midgar was to me.

I played it as a kid in the 90s though, so that might've coloured my interpretation of it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Wow, Midgar was my favourite part of the original FF7! I remember thinking the whole game was going to take place in Midgar.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Why not a controller?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

It's actually normal for a married man to lose his "separate" friends and end up becoming more family-oriented and friends with his wife's friends. Or, if he doesn't end up being in that group, he may end up turning towards work for some of that same camaraderie.

Your situation sucks. It's not uncommon though. I hope that takes the pressure off of you.

30 is a bit of an arbitrary number. Maybe you could make 31 or 32 the big year, and focus on trying to find new friends (or rekindle old friendships) until then. It's harder than it was when you were younger. But if you had friends before, you can probably do it again!

Don't feel embarrassed about your situation. Don't feel embarrassed about inviting your wife's friends (as long as you actually like them, of course).

Your birthday is ultimately about you. Not putting on a show or proving anything to anyone else.

Happy birthday, and wishing you many more ahead with many loved ones. Family and friends.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Maybe 6. One prescription, and two dollar store pairs. I wear sunglasses pretty much any time I go outside unless there's no sun. Year-round.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I liked it there. I would never deny that the sun was left-leaning, because it inevitably attracted a left-leaning crowd. But it never silenced right wing opinions from what I recall. Downvotes, sure, but not deleting posts or unbalanced moderation.

They were never even telling right-wing people things like "You already have at least 2 other subs to discuss your views. Let us discuss ours here", like places like r/Conservative say.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think you're missing the key part of the problem. It isn't the AI that's the issue.

The problem is that he was being paid for how many listeners his AI songs got. But he used bots to "listen" to the songs. Nobody actually listened to his AI music.

The flaw in the system was that they couldn't detect his bots. (And the bots are not AI)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Technically it didn't have a WiiU port, only a Switch port. It's only a port if it came from another console! /semantics lol

I believe the performance is generally better docked. If I'm laying down though, I'll want something smaller and more mindless like my phone, lol

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I feel like the WiiU being a handheld is a bit of a stretch! Haha

But seriously though, I keep forgetting that the Switch is a handheld. I like playing docked, and it's too big for me to carry around, generally. But I know I'm in the minority there.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago (3 children)

r/Canada was taken over by right-wing mods, including some fsr right extremists and at least one open white supremacist.

The sub isn't made far right though. The moderation is more subtle, with clear bias in moderation regardless of source.

Articles critical of right-wing parties, policies, and politicians (even fact-based pieces) will often be silently removed, often for being "repeats" since there are multiple articles from different sources about the same topic. So only one post will stay up. Yet "repeats" of articles critical of left-wing stuff are allowed, as are "repeats" of non-political topics.

Comments are not as heavily moderated, but left-wing biased comments are more targetted.

Outright racism is generally removed. But plenty of comments talking about "certain types of people" or "people from certain countries" are allowed... unless those comments are talking about white people or Canadians, in which case even those "subtle" comments are removed for "outright racism". The up/downvotes also tend to follow this trend.

The sub got to this point probably around the pandemic, when Canada's explicitly far-right extremist sub, r/MetaCanada got shutdown. The userbase migrated to r/Canada, and some of the mods from r/MetaCanada were welcomed into the r/Canada mod team (including the aforementioned open white supremacist). The right-wing extremist mods also started pushing out the more moderate, centre, and left-wing mods.

It's the kind of shitshow that an outsider would never notice. Makes me sad that they have the "official" name, just r/CountryName...


Bananas are ridiculously cheap even up here in Canada, and they aren't grown anywhere near here. Yet a banana can grow, be harvested, be shipped, be stocked, and then be purchased by me for less than it'd cost to mail a letter across town. (Well, if I could buy a single banana maybe...or maybe that's not the best comparison, but I think you get my point)

Along the banana's journey, the farmer, the harvester, the shipper, the grocer, the clerk, and the cashier all (presumably) get paid. Yet a single banana is mere cents. If you didn't know any better, you might think a single banana should cost $10!

I'm presuming that this is because of some sort of exploitation somewhere down the line, or possibly loss-leading on the grocery store's side of things.

I'm wondering what other products like bananas are a lot cheaper than they "should" be (e.g., based on how far they have to travel, or how difficult they are to produce, or how much money we're saving "unethically").

I've heard that this applies to coffee and chocolate to varying extents, but I'm not certain.

Anyone know any others?


I know money can't buy happiness blahblahblah.

Do they do gift exchanges at all?

Do they ask for anything?

They have enough money that they could get anything made or done for them at a moment's notice. Like having ChatGPT, but for services. Ridiculous things we couldn't imagine.

Anyone have any insight into general trends along those lines?

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