What happens if I run paint splatters through OCR? Hmmmmm that random output looks like Perl. Holy shit it is Perl!
This actually happening is one reason I love the internet.
What happens if I run paint splatters through OCR? Hmmmmm that random output looks like Perl. Holy shit it is Perl!
This actually happening is one reason I love the internet.
There is nothing coffee doesn't go with
Programming Dad jokes are so bad yet so good.
I got delivery from the restaurant. They do not do deliveries anymore. To ignore the fact that the landscape has changed significantly and just blame the people ordering is to miss a majority of the picture. Turns out life has nuance.
With code and algorithms
Looks like a Toyota Camry
Reverse is better, it's an even shorter gear than first so the engine has to spin more times per wheel revolution.
Why not 150%. At a bare minimum every single dollar brought in by illegal action deserves to be taken.
History is written by those that write stuff down.