This is very off topic but I like that mastodon is now a platform more commonly being used to share information like this. Although for their mobile UI, I really hope they get rid of the bar on the right, it's very odd.
People have been saying this for the last 5 years and will continue saying this for the next 5 years. They make less smaller phones cuz people don't buy them
Debt you've used to make profitable investments
This is not a reason to prevent switching, quite the opposite. Encryption is an awesome thing, and should always be used. It also inevitably causes slowdowns, but the best case is that it's practically nonexistent of a performance hit. Not a lot of Linux distros let you set up luks root encryption in the installer, and it's still pretty tricky to setup. But also if you're using Linux, you should always be using luks encryption if you can as well.
They really should be making like $50k/year max.
It's on my radar
Premium has gotten better
That's why it's an opinion and not stating a fact.
Yeah that doesn't even mean anything
Do you have any possible way of measuring that, or are you going off of their marketing page
Happened to me where I felt loss if enjoyment over any game, that it felt like a waste of time and a chore. That eventually passed, definitely find them fun again.