It's about social norms and the idea of normal and the average person. It's why I wrote "for example". It's one study case among others in this field.
To keep it too simple, it's neurodivergent people not adapting themselves to the constructed social norms.
In a more elaborated definition: it's subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.
When people have a brain functioning differently from the majority, you will have different behaviors not matching the heteronormativity and the neuronormativity —even if you're heterosexual. The most obvious examples are not making eyes contact, not shaking hands, stimming in public.
Neuroqueering! It gives you fun situations everyday for sure.
I was thinking more in deep editing like texts, pictures, etc. It's what I call the basic stuffs. It's not Adobe level but more than fine for the vast majority.
Draw is an amazing pdf editor for basic stuffs.
I didn't get in the details. But, of course, a such regulation includes the availability of the firmware.
By the way, I read that it's in the EU. The regulation applies in the EEA (EU+Norway+Iceland+Liechtenstein).
Apple is testing the limits but will finally comply with the regulation by opening without gatekeeping.
They try of it pass, it pass and if it doesn't, they comply.
EU should double down with a regulation stipulating that people are free to install whatever OS they want on devices (smartphones included) and companies can't gatekeep it.
And they can't even blame the Brexit for this...
Brave to end 'Strict' fingerprinting protection as it breaks owns ad revenue.
More good news! Please!