While the whole world is beeing like
Well put me in a dress and call me Sheryl. Never knew that the "accepted definitions" were really that close. Thanks!
I knew that some definitions of OSS were really basic (as in "as long as there is source at some point") but I didn't know that the OSI definition was so close to the idea of "free software".
I found the read about the history and similarities & differences quite interesting: https://web.archive.org/web/20180915200609/http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
I think you got that one wrong.
Open source is not a license. Open source literally just means that the source is openly available. It does not include the right for you to reuse or change any of the source.
That's why most of the time, people are talking about "Free Open Source Software" (FOSS) when they think of openly licensed source code.
That's why you can publish your project on e.g. Github (= open source) but if you don't add a license statement, your work is still protected by an "all rights reserved copyright". (= not free)
Anyhow, I would not necessarily deem a project OSS, just because the used language is readable by default. To me, OSS needs at least the developers intention to make it openly available.
It will most likely come back due to EU legislation.
Personally, I love Bludit as it is really simple, flat-file and perfect for blogging.
However, you could also look into WriteFreely if you want something with ActivityPub (= Fediverse). Feature wise very very plain and simple, but might noch give you most of the bells and whistles as other platforms would do it. Think of it as an alternative to "Medium".
Thats why you should use a VPN when you are out and about. 🙏
I stole it. I stole every last piece of it. (See original post on mastodon.)
We shall all thank @[email protected] for it. 😇
Sadly, no work from home for the com(p)uter.