
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Don't you have a Penguin sticker on yours ? It doesnt have to be a Windows logo.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Driving manual takes BOTH Theory and Practice.

  1. Replay potential scenarios in your head and try to predict how you will react.

  2. Re-examine your realtime reactions on the road.

  3. Learn both rules of the road and real-life motorists reactions to rules.

  4. Safety - Safety - Safety. If it feels unsafe, get off the road safely and wait it out.

Manual driving tips.

Use the emergency-parking-hand-brake for hill-assists.

Practice dual-brake-accelerator press/release.

Practice clutch-release-hold with no brake-accelerator ( fully depressed clutch, quarter-release, half-release, no-clutch .... does the vehicle jump forward, at what point does it start creeping forward, what noise is the engine making, how does the gear-stick/shaft feel smooth or vibrating or extremely-stuck, etc etc )

Practice a reliable gear-stick-shift-shaft action. Turn your wrist outward and push horizontal, and up for 1st-gear. Neutral with a downward wrist and wiggle along the central neutral line. Turn wrist upward and firmly push straight forward for 3rd-gear, and tap gear-knob down and wiggle along central neutral line to confirm gear-stick is in the neutral, etc etc.

So by judging how traffic behaves and by establishing clear personal good gear/manual habits, you can improve your reactions.

Look forward of the vehicle for less than 10 meters ( 30 feet ) and drive below 60 kmph ( 40 mph ) if you can't smoothly handle the manual transmission. Increase by 5 feet look distance as you get more comfortable over several months.

Don't drive in traffic, park if you feel unsafe without causing problems.

Avoid steep shopping mall parking lots and narrow spaces until you are comfortable handling the manual vehicle.

Add wing mirrors and antenna at the edges of the vehicle corners to help visually identify the area around the vehicle.

Best of Luck and Have Fun once you are good at it. If after 2 years you aren't getting any results, then manual may not be the best choice for you and you may need to give it up. Automatic transmissions are now making amazing progress and reliability.

No shame driving automatic transmission vehicles.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So, since this is related to your course and a required part of assignments, get things in writing,

  1. Let the Dorm and ISP know that you need an exception due to coursework.

  2. It might be in your best interest to temporarily invest in your own internet,I think 5G might have low enough latency to manage the connection.

If all this is for one semester until you move back ? Just get a cheap mini-PC install pfSense or any other firewall/router software to isolate all your devices and Wifi router from the rest of the network. I believe some people have mentioned MAC-spoofing and TTL-reset as ways to bypass detection. And if anyone asks, you can show your written communications and your course requirements.

Always be on the safe side when it comes to dealing with academics and private orgs.

There might be a Dept Counselor or Rep you can discuss about your requirements. Even professors can help with some of these kind of things.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 months ago

It sucks if the University you chose forced such rules on students and included dorm as part of the tuition expenses. I cant imagine people taking on student debt with such high tuition+boarding. I guess anyone accepting at that local University is forced into this situation.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Since the price mentions British Pound Sterling as currency I dont think Verizon would be there. But T-Mobile is probably there in the UK.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

A lot of Unis have IT on a shoestring budget.Especially the CompSci dept have the most idiotic IT "professionals" working there.

Usually it is the Sciences dept like Mech-E or Tech-E or Elec-E who run massive Compute nodes for Rendering Physics or Fluid dynamics or something something research ....

Unfortunately, the Unis that have massive student dorms on-campus tend not to isolate their networks properly and allow students to directly connect to all depts Networks without any barriers. The isolation happens between LAN and Internet which is where most of the controls and filtering happens.

It would be nice if each dept had their own VPN servers and proper network isolation at the LAN instead of the crazy monkey wiring everything to everything else on-campus.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Dreams are weird man. Just choose to be calm and carry on. Dont do the inception stuff :-D

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I had an entire LIFETIME in ONE night. Dream was super realistic, but it was all anime waifus. From earliest childhood memory till old age and that final darkness basically that last moment woke me up with a start. I never imagined that an entire lifetime in one night dream.

I don't think I ever had such an experience ever again. It was just one time. Never to happen again so far.

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