Sounds like a permissions issue, honestly. If the NFS share is mapped to a drive letter (Windows server I assume?), then Docker should see it in the filesystem like any other local drive. At least that's how I understand it... I've never used Docker on Windows.
Virtualbox is owned by Oracle. Oracle has a nasty habit of being a real shitty company.
The term came long before the program...
Apparently Docker just refuses to use networked drives as mapped locations. Since all of my audiobooks are stored on my NAS[...]
Mount the NAS share to whatever machine is hosting the Docker instance, then point your docker containers at that mount point.
Maybe I do what I want and just tell Nazi sympathizers to fuck off.
Fair, but I have other variants with just "88".
"The UI is bad" = "It doesn't feed me new and popular content automatically"
Basically sums that up.
looks at own username
only a Nazi goes out of their way to put an 88 in their username
Yeah, I'm gonna need a citation for that. I was born in 1988.
Oof. They just pocketed all of it? With no repercussions?
ISPs were already given a shitload of money to build out infrastructure, but they did the bare minimum and pocketed the rest instead.
They need to be forced to build out a proper modern infrastructure at this point, imaginary money line be damned.
Worth not buying from Amazon. Who knows if it's a legit iFixit kit.