This is for US-specific carriers. As much as we'd love to have such low cost data, that's just not a reality here.
Absolutely. It'll be part of a future "Google play services" update.
I have 5 kids. I'm almost certain my photo library of 15 years has a few completely innocent pictures where a naked infant/toddler might be present. I do not have the time to search 10,000+ pics for material that could be taken completely out of context and reported to authorities without my knowledge. Plus, I have quite a few "intimate" photos of my wife in there as well.
I refuse to consent to a corporation searching through my device on the basis of "well just in case", as the ramifications of false positives can absolutely destroy someone's life. The unfortunate truth is that "for your security" is a farce, and people who are actually stupid enough to intentionally create that kind of material are gonna find ways to do it regardless of what the law says.
Scanning everyone's devices is a gross overreach and, given the way I've seen Google and other large corporations handle reports of actually-offensive material (i.e. they do fuck-all), I have serious doubts over the effectiveness of this program.
Thanks. Uninstalled and reported. Hopefully they'll get the hint. I love my Android, but this is pushing me towards Graphene/Calyx.
Not everyone knows that though.
In Chinese, "X" makes a "sh" sound.
Take from that what you will.
That's a GM thing, so other people notice your car and don't speed past in parking lots.
More like F tier
By the time Toyota was in the news in 2011 for potential throttle sticking problems that killed people, it was typical for even economy cars to have something like 30 ECUs controlling different things, with each ECU and its associated sensors requiring multiple chips.
Yep. My 2008 Toyota Sienna has many controllers. Each door has its own dedicated controller, and there are digital servos with their own controllers inside the sliding doors that handle remote operation.
That's most modern cars these days.
One would think the fact that Android is Linux should jumpstart that somewhat. But here we are.