NSFW tags aren't a way to curate one's feed, they're a waste of time.
What you consider suitable will vary depending on where you are and what time it is, and might be completely different than what other users consider suitable.
You want to curate your feeds?
You can have multiple accounts, in multiple instances.
You can subscribe to suitable communities and only browse ones you're subscribed to.
You can block users, communities, and instances.
Most importantly, you can decide what to browse and when, and wait to browse feeds which might contain something unsuitable for your current circumstances until those circumstances have changed.
Can these tools be improved..? Sure!
Give me a way to choose between different sets of subscribed and I won't need to have multiple accounts, for instance.
Hell, this might be one of the few situations in which current “AI” models could actually be useful... just have one trained on what you don't want to see at specific times and places and use it as a browser extension to prevent you from seeing that content.
But tags aren't going to help with that, because they're entirely subjective, and only you know what you want tagged or not, and if you have to tag it yourself it's already too late, you've already seen it (and so has your company's firewall).
I've had those disabled since the minute I got on lemmy, I just can't abide censorship or, more importantly, wilful stupidly.