How do the SaaS AI code assistants work? I am guessing they have to send the entire file or the codebase to their datacenter. Won't this be a problem for corporations who want to protect their codebase?
we maintain the same goal – to build digital advertising solutions that respect individuals’ rights
Does it include the right to be able to choose not to be advertised to?
Yes, advertising enables free access to most of what the internet provides
What does this even mean?
I don't read their blog posts but seems like they have fully embraced startup lingo.
It's Glowtime
Yup. Just this morning I was brushing my teeth and he seized my toothbrush.
People Make Games made a video about Valve's structure as well if anyone is interested.
Can I see this unprecedented misconfiguration?
Google: No
What's a "real" ad? They use that term multiple times and I can't imagine how it is different from a normal ad or if the adds that the start menu already had were somehow different from normal ads.
The way they explain the use case of cognitive enhancements it doesn't sound as controversial as the title implies. Unless I misunderstood it.
Tests are meant to gatekeep who gets to get the field training required to become a doctor. Sending every jabroni into residency willy-nilly is probably gonna collapse the healthcare system completely.
I'll relay this to Xi Jinping immediately he'll be glad to know of your approval