It is extremely harmful per se. Tradition is not an ethical or healthy reason to eat something. However, there is a strong correlation between certain traditional diets and human health. But not because they are traditional and that should not be used to justify or promote their practice. Such arguments are also used to rationalize absolutely needless cruelty, violence, and atrocity that even harms the practitioner.
"Indifference" is a strange word to apply here. What would it mean for ChatGPT to "want" to be accurate?
That's not veganism, that's environmentalism. Veganism is recognizing that animals have the right not to be treated as property and have atrocities visited upon them. That the experiences of animals are real and matter. That their suffering is identical in nature to your own.
Avoiding animal products for the good of the environment has nothing to do with veganism. At least understand what your childish knee-jerk reactions are actually reacting to.
No value judgement, just noting the change of fashion. We're clearly better off without it, but it's a bit nostalgic.
intranational. Easy mistake.
Caribs, for example, are black.
oh wow, it's been like a decade since I saw someone do a "*whoosh*"
We don't have African Americans here, we have black people. We don't call them African Americans because most black people in my country are not from Africa (we have a large Caribbean population) and they are not American.
That's why I only ever use Seconds Since Epoch.
Legislation that hobbles youtube