
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Just came to say thanks...Yeah eventually after copy-pasting it from scratch again, I got it running. Seems to be working now. Thanks again!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I like to open multiple tabs on what I'm going to watch next, and Freetube is a bit clunky with the window management (I wish they had tabs!). So far uBlock has been doing an impeccable job...but these days I can see it struggling a bit more. I can see youtube REALLY tries to give me an ad first, sometimes when you open the video, you can see the first frame of an ad instead of the thumbnail while it starts buffering, then it skips to the video. The ad is not shown, but the first frame of an ad sometimes escapes into the video while it buffers at the beginning, for a second.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Thanks I appreciate your reply... I have a bit of concern about an unprivileged container having firewall limitations (as I might have read in the past this was...finicky), but I'm going to give it a shot.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Pixel 7 here from S10e. Still sucks. I hear finally Pixel 9 fixed it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi guys!

Back in the day I used to have a VM holding nginx and all the crap exposed...and I did set it up with fail2ban. I moved away from it, as the OS upgrade was turning messy, and rebuilt onto an LXC container. How should I use fail2ban/iptables in order to protect/harden my LXC container/server? Do the same conditions apply, or will I have any limitations/issues due to the container itself?


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)
     image: postgres:16-alpine
     container_name: jellystat-db
     restart: unless-stopped
       - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
       - jellystat
     image: cyfershepard/jellystat:latest
     container_name: jellystat
     restart: unless-stopped
       POSTGRES_IP: jellystat-db
       POSTGRES_PORT: 5432
       TZ: Europe/Paris # timezone (ex: Europe/Paris)
       JS_BASE_URL: /
       - jellystat-backup-data:/app/backend/backup-data
       - jellystat-db
       - traefik
       - jellystat
       - traefik.enable=true
       - traefik.http.routers.jellystat.entrypoints=https
       - traefik.http.routers.jellystat.rule=Host(`${HOSTNAME}`)
       - traefik.http.routers.jellystat.tls.certresolver=http
       - traefik.http.routers.jellystat.service=jellystat
   jellystat: {}
     external: true
   postgres-data: null
   jellystat-backup-data: null

Hmmm thanks but I'm not using traefik...Is it part of the needed setup?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children) the log is just an almost infinite loop of these:

jellystat-1     | Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND jellystat-db
jellystat-1     |     at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookupall [as oncomplete] (node:dns:120:26)
jellystat-1     | [JELLYSTAT] Database exists. Skipping creation
jellystat-1     | FS-related option specified for migration configuration. This resets migrationSource to default FsMigrations
jellystat-1     | FS-related option specified for migration configuration. This resets migrationSource to default FsMigrations
jellystat-1     | node:internal/process/promises:391
jellystat-1     |     triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
jellystat-1     |     ^
jellystat-1     | 
jellystat-1     | Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND jellystat-db
jellystat-1     |     at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookupall [as oncomplete] (node:dns:120:26) {
jellystat-1     |   errno: -3008,
jellystat-1     |   code: 'ENOTFOUND',
jellystat-1     |   syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
jellystat-1     |   hostname: 'jellystat-db'
jellystat-1     | }

Just for clarity's sake, here's my docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'
    image: postgres:15.2
      POSTGRES_DB: 'jfstat'
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mypassword
    - /postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data # Mounting the volume
    image: cyfershepard/jellystat:latest
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: MyJellystat
      POSTGRES_IP: jellystat-db
      POSTGRES_PORT: 5432
      JWT_SECRET: 'my-secret-jwt-key'
      - "3000:3000" #Server Port
      - /backup-data:/app/backend/backup-data # Mounting the volume

      - jellystat-db
    restart: unless-stopped

I literally haven't changed anything from default as it was a test, even the password fields.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Thanks...I don't think think I have considered rTorrent before. But this one doesn't have a remote GUI client the way deluge and transmission allow their UI to connect to a remote daemon, right?

Regarding all the troubleshooting steps, thanks a lot. I'm going to go about enabling logging by default on the service, which is disabled and definitely doesn't help. I'm also considering to rebuild the whole thing, since it's running off of an older Ubuntu 20.04 container. I might as well take the chance to do it on 24.04. We'll see.


Hi guys! It's been a long while, and I still struggle with Deluge catching brand new releases of movies that just about everyone's downloading.

A bit of background, I have 1Gbps connection, and Deluge in headless mode (that's why I chose Deluge, for headless you get either Deluge or Transmission...AFAIK those are the only two supporting it).

So, whenever my -arr servers catch the latest release of the very latest movie or TV show, Deluge catches it, and faceplants it with a download error immediately. I can either "force check" or "resume". Either way (doesn't matter which), it will error again in a second or two. This struggle continues for a while of resume/error/resume, until it finally starts to download a larger chunk...for it to error again a minute or two later, after downloading several hundred MB. And then another section of constant errors. Finally, it will get stuck at the end at 99%, where it really needs a "force check" to find whatever data was corrupted, redownload that, and finish.

Any idea why this happens? Any way to fix/avoid it? I'm not sure deluge is connecting to fake seeders giving it corrupted data and it fails to catch/fix it. Any help would be very welcome. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Sorry i don't have experience checking docker logs... How do I go about that?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (8 children)

Yeah...I copied the whole of it onto my docker-compose.yml. But after running a docker compose up, and after getting:

docker-compose.yml: the attribute `version` is obsolete, it will be ignored, please remove it to avoid potential confusion 
[+] Running 3/3
 ✔ Network jellystat_default           Created                                                                                                                         0.1s 
 ✔ Container jellystat-jellystat-db-1  Started                                                                                                                         0.9s 
 ✔ Container jellystat-jellystat-1     Started       

I still can't get to connect on http://myIP:3000, I get nothing, just a "unable to connect" firefox error. Is there anything I should set up/modify on the docker-compose.yml?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Depends on your judgement of other people, i guess. I have thousands of movies taking TBs of space on my NAS and lots of users. I'd like to have easy reports such as "movies never watched in a year with a low imdb score". So i know what can I delete if needed. But to each their own.


So...yeah. Looking at file size, it clearly beats older 264 or even 265. I don't mind if my server is going to have to transcode for most clients, I think the size difference in size might be worth it. But not sure which groups I could focus to look for these AV1 releases, seem they're quite scarce still?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

Thanks...Yeah I saw it. I have a few docker things deployed. But the "getting started" section completely ignores setting up the Postgresql DB, which very clearly it seems to want. This is not listed as a requirement, but still hinted casually around whenever it mentions the user/pass, environment variables etc. there anywhere mentioned how to get the whole thing up and running, including docker and postgresql?


Hi! I'm currently looking onto perhaps running Jellystat. But the instructions seem to be a bit...lacking? Is there a step by step guide on how to get it up and running?


[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

... Interesting. Never heard of these. How do you get it? How much storage does it have?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi guys!

When I saw this tiny little guy, I had to go in and get it. And so I received it today. My first experience is...the software is a bit rough at the moment. And now I'm having trouble with the keyboard detection. It's no longer working, and I"m not sure what's wrong. Basically, it worked initially, but after I unplugged it to dump some isos onto it*, the USB keyboard emulation seems to no longer work.

And since I'm one of the very first users...I think have no documentation (yay). I see there's a Chinese forum where more people mention a USB keyboard issue, but I don't think this is sorted.

Anyone else tried it? How's your experiences so far? Any ideas how to fix the keyboard issues? Still, for all its initial wonkiness, I clearly see this as the future for a KVM device, instead of a full blown Raspberry Pi board, which I think is a bit overkill.

*: The 'full' version comes with an embedded 32GB microSD, of which 8GB is for the OS, but the remainder is a separate partition for connect it as a USB storage to a PC and drop your ISOs there. At the moment you don't seem to be able to mount a random file from your PC via the browser UI. Only ISO files it already has in its own storage.


Hi guys! So, I have Proton Mail, and this also gives me the Calendar. I love that I have a encrypted private calendar, but it bothers me that it doesn’t play well with any other app, as it’s not officially a “calendar” to Android. This bothers me, because I use GrapheneOS, with mostly no Google services, and I'd like my Gadgetbridge-connected smartwatch to be able to display calendar events, since they're not being shared with anyone else. But I can't, because Proton Calendar isn't really an Android Calendar. There’s a way in Proton to permanently share a link to your private calendar. In effect, it’s an up-to-date .ics file, that I believe needs to be checked/downloaded every time there’s an update. Is there a way to update this in Proton? Alternatively, I wouldn’t mind creating some caldav system that imported this, but not sure if there’s already any guide for it?

Thanks so much!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi guys! I'm having my first attempt at Immich (...and docker, since I'm at it). So I have successfully set it up (I think), and connected the phone and it started uploading. I have enabled foreground and background backup, and I have only chosen the camera album from my Pixel/GrapheneOS phone. Thing is, after a while (when the screen turns off for a while, even though the app is unrestricted in Android/GrapheneOS, or whenever changing apps...or whenever it feels like), the backup seems to start again from scratch, uploading again and again the first videos from the album (the latest ones, from a couple of days ago), and going its way until somewhere in December 2023...which is where at some point decides to go back and re-do May 2024. It's been doing this a bunch of times. I've seen mentioned a bunch of times that I should set client_max_body_size on nginx to something large like 5000MB. However in my case it's set to 0, which should read as unrestricted. It doesn't skip large videos of several hundreds megs, it does seem to go through the upload process...but then it keeps redoing them after a while.

Any idea what might be failing? Why does it keep restarting the backup? By the way, I took a screenshot of the backup a couple days ago, and both the backed up asset number and the remainder has kept the same since (total 2658, backup 179, remainder 2479). This is a couple of days now going through what I'd think is the same files over and over?

SOLVED: So it was about adding the client_max_body_size value to my nginx server. I thought I did, so I was ignoring this even though I saw it mentioned multiple times. Mine is set to value 0, not 50000M as suggested on other threads, but I thought it should work. But then again, it was in the wrong section, applying to a different service/container, not Immich. Adding it to Immich too (with 0, in my case, which should set it to "unlimited") worked immediately after restarting nginx service. Thanks everyone for all the follow ups and suggestions!


So, the issue at hand is, I have a Chromecast 4K with Jellyfin Android TV on it. And most of my library is x265/HEVC. But, whenever playing from this specific device, it will natively take HEVC, but with exoplayer library it plays kinda like a slideshow, at about 5-10FPS. Choosing VLC should be ok, and forcing a transcode will result in a perfectly playable x264 at 24-30-60FPS or whatever is needed. But x265 with the default exoplayer seems to be a struggle. Is there a way either in Jellyfin Android TV or in the server, to specifically disable x265 playback, but only on this device?


Hi guys!

I'm setting up a recently wiped phone, and just finding out that in order to use gTranslate, not only you need the app Google Translate, you ALSO need the app Lens, with its own permissions, and then ALSO force feeds you the app Google. Is there a way to avoid this? Or an alternative that allows live image translation (from Chinese if possible) from what the camera is seeing? As, for a travel trip, so I can read signs and texts on the street.

Thanks! a short sentence...the title. I have a server in a remote location which also happens to be under CGNAT. I only get to visit this location once a year at best, so if anything goes off...It stays off for the rest of that year until I can go and troubleshoot. I have a main location/home where everything works, I get a fixed IP and I can connect multiple services as desired. I'd like to make this so I could publish internal servers such as HA or similar on this remote location, and reach them in a way easy enough that I could install the apps to non-tech users and they could just use them through a normal URL. Is this possible? I already have a PiVPN running wireguard on the main location, and I just tested an LXC container from remote location, it connects via wireguard to the main location just fine, can ping/ssh machines correctly. But I can't reach this VPN-connected machine from the main location. Alternatively, I'm happy to listen to alternative solutions/ideas on how to connect this remote location to the main one somehow.



Hi guys! I'm going at my first docker attempt...and I'm going in Proxmox. I created an LXC container, from which I installed docker, and portainer. Portainer seems happy to work, and shows its admin page on port 9443 correctly. I tried next running the image of immich, following the steps detailed in their own guide. This...doesn't seem to open the admin website on port 2283. But then again, it seems to run in its own docker internal network (172.16.0.x). How should I reach immich admin page from another computer in the same network? I'm new to Docker, so I'm not sure how are images supposed to communicate within the normal computer network...Thanks!


Hi! I'm just looking for a SIP provider so I can hook my phone to. Ideally with servers located in SE Asia for lower latency. Telnyx seems to have servers in Singapore, which seems convenient. Is it possible to prepay credit for SIP calls for a single account, then hook your phone with Linphone/Zoiper or similar and just use it for cheap international calling?

Alternatively, which other options you might suggest?


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