How to get more absolute shit from Goog?
How to get more absolute shit from Goog?
The interwebs existed long before Google. They will continue to exist long after Google.
Cool, thanks. $5 -$6 / month is cheap.
I'll bite. What is frugal Usenet?
This whole thing is confusing to me.
For me, gen X, growing up it was this:
Sweatshirt: Non-hooded OR hooded and shirt shaped with NO zipper but made of material that is "fleece"-like on one side and smooth-ish on the other.
Jacket: zippered thing, long sleeves, usually made of plastic or nylon but the purpose was to wear OVER your clothes as a windbreaker and/or to keep you warm.
Hoodies did not exist. Things like a sweatshirt, jacket, coat or shirt might have a hood.
Now, I do not know what the fuck to call shit.
That is a fucking jirt. Shirtet. Sweatjack. Hoodet. Sweatie. Jackie.
This kinda rocks my world. I never thought of it being based on the material, no wonder I've always found the whole hoodie / sweatshirt / sweater / jacket think confusing.
Hmmm...still not sure it makes sense to me...
I was not just making a joke, amigo. I am old enough that I used this stuff back in the day. I graduated from dialing into BBSes on my Commode 64 to this stuff. And I am amazed and happy that it is still around.
Amazing! Thanks!
But what about Veronica? has many facets:
Wayback Machine
Internet Arcade
Feature Films
NASA Images
Multiple Image collections
Live Music Archive
Free Audiobook Collection
Open Library
American Libraries
How stuff works is amazing.
Wikipedia should not need to be mentioned.
IDK much about it, but this exists: