Man elections are going to be a mess with all the voice and video generation.
John Oliver actually did something similar on his show:
This is the full episode:
Oh my god those popups for new features drive me insane. Yes teams, I know I can do account switching now because you've told me the last 10 times I opened the app.
Very bad. I'll I've got is a really gross bagel
Most email spam detection and antimalware use ML. There are use cases in medicine with trying to predict whether someone has a condition early
So what you're saying is that they shouldn't drop the bass
Third vote for cronometer
Pretty soon we're going to need an adblock blocker blocker
Thank you very much!
Does anyone know what show this is from?
Yeah it's Nathan for you. In this episode he goes to a food place that always has really long lines and proposes they let people with a really good reason cut the line. The guy on the right made up an excuse to cut the line, so they told him he was the 1000th customer and he won a prize (can't remember exactly what it was, but it was to get him out on the boat), then they had a fake family shame him once he was out on the boat.
It can save you a lot of time when it's right though: