On the note of testing, Pest is still one of the best testing options I’ve seen across a variety of langs.
Holy hell as someone who still avidly writes PHP, this gives me goosebumps.
This is what happens when you increase pricing, add advertising on top of increased pricing, remove your content from competitors and create your own additional platform, all while decreasing the quality and amount of content.
For sure. People find a niche they like and then think that is the solution to any problem. Until, of course, some new shiny tech catches their eye and they try that out (or their favorite clickbait Medium writer comes out with an article about "Why you shouldn't be using ____ anymore in 2023"). Then the love of their life gets thrown to the curb.
Very widely used still and well maintained. It's been a good options since 7 came around. Most of the hate IMO comes from people who were working with PHP4/5 code or people who just saw PHP4/5 code and think that's what the language is today.
I mean that’s generally the case with most tech. Just like the never ending PHP hate. Plenty of reasons to dislike or not use it but no reason to think it’s the scum of the earth.
Quite literally one of the best experiences. Not sure why this isn’t more popular over here.
There is always one…
About the only good thing about npm is that I can use one of the superior alternatives. Using npm is almost always a headache as soon as you start working with a decent number of packages.
So I’m ignorant here, but what is the spec difference between the supplied iPhone USB-C cable and the one that comes with the newer MacBooks? I never bothered to look, but I did mark the one that came with my MacBook as I assumed it was higher rated than some other cable (although I still just charge with the MagSafe adapter anyway).
Absolutely. I have no problem displaying a few ads with my content if it results in better content. If it’s done responsibly, which it never is. Instead, it’s always an abusive relationship.