
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

two conspiracy theories in one! i love that community.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Cooking rice is a notoriously hard problem (and for that reason I recommend noodles instead) but my tip is:

  • Don't (!) do the 2:1 thing where you mix 2 cups of water with 1 cup of rice. Some of the water will boil off and the ratio will be distorted, except if you close your cooking pot, in which case it begins to foam like crazy and give you something to clean up
  • Do just fill a large pot with lots of water and make it boil; then when it boils add the rice and cook a certain time with the pot open. I've made the best rice this way.
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Did you know that at lemmy, they have special discounts, where you can get two wisdoms for the price of one upvote?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

We could have separate instances for the normies and for the femboy linux users. And then, everybody can choose which instances to block/follow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Tbf, democracies kinda always suffered from this problem.

The italian long-term prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was a comedian before going into politics. And so was english prime minister Boris Johnsson. In other words, they were used to catering to audiences, instead of having technical training. (IIRC)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I disagree. Such a thing is not feasible. In 1500, when the printing press was developed, Martin Luther tried to raise all people in the entire population to be priests, because "now that they have books, they can educate themselves". Obviously, it didn't work. I think most people just aren't made for higher knowledge, and we should accept that fact rather than push people through a high-pressure high-stress levels school system.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I want smaller games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less, and I’m not kidding.

I agree. Wholeheartedly. I think it's just so obvious how quality dramatically takes off when the people creating it feel safe, sound, and economically stable. Financial Security (UBI) drives creativity probably more than anything else. It's a huge win!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Honestly, I think it's good that you told them what you think of them.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

Oh that's great news! We're accelerating our development towards burn outs! Wait ...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

anything that can be eaten and reached from bed.


As we all know, AC won the "War of the Currents". The reasoning behind this is that AC voltage is easy to convert up/down with just a ring of iron and two coils. And high voltage allows us to transport current over longer distances, with less loss.

Now, the War of the Currents happened in 1900 (approximately), and our technology has improved a lot since then. We have useful diodes and transistors now, we have microcontrollers and Buck/Boost converters. We can transform DC voltage well today.

Additionally, photovoltaics produces DC naturally. Whereas the traditional generator has an easier time producing AC, photovoltaic plants would have to transform the power into AC, which, if I understand correctly, has a massive loss.

And then there's the issue of stabilizing the frequency. When you have one big producer (one big hydro-electric dam or coal power plant), then stabilizing the frequency is trivial, because you only have to talk to yourself. When you have 100000 small producers (assume everyone in a bigger area has photovoltaics on their roof), then suddenly stabilizing the frequency becomes more challenging, because everybody has to work in exactly the same rhythm.

I wonder, would it make sense to change our power grid from AC to DC today? I know it would obviously be a lot of work, since every consuming device would have to change what power it accepts from the grid. But in the long run, could it be worth it? Also, what about insular networks. Would it make sense there? Thanks for taking the time for reading this, and also, I'm willing to go into the maths, if that's relevant to the discussion.

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