I wish. Most stuff I used to do now has extra clicks required, the right click 7z panel, the process monitor kill process button (now hidden on a submenu on a right-click), and I can't put the taskbar vertically!!! I use two monitors, I'm used to having it on the right monitor, on the left vertically. The reasoning was that not many people move their taskbar and while that might be true, after some regex modifications, the only thing that's completely broken if you put the taskbar vertical was the news button pop-up (it didn't align correctly), which is basically ads, and I'm completely against them gutting features because their ads need extra work (not that much work, just work).
Besides that, having a fat suggested apps bar on the windows menu that takes 30% of the space is a thing again, which is ad space too. Great
Anyway, KDE is cool. Thanks Microsoft, I would have persevered if it wasn't for the vertical taskbar, now I'm happier.
For your first two points, I'm kinda against having to fight against the system, at that point I prefer to work alongside the system with Linux, but W/E. In any case, I would have fixed these if the taskbar wasn't impossible. No I'm not going to install a 3rd party program to fix the taskbar.
About the 4 monitors, it's cool that you like having 4 taskbars, wasting tons of space. I don't. I'm not asking that, I'm asking having a single taskbar vertically. It's one of the big complaints I've read about win11, not being able to have vertical taskbars on the side of the monitor.
I've not seen a way to remove the "recommended" space in the start menu, and I'm sorry but any recommendation I didn't agree with is an ad. You might think otherwise, and that's cool, but I don't like ads in products I pay.
That last sentence wasn't very nice, especially considering that you didn't understand one of the complaints (the taskbar thing).
Anyway, happy that you are enjoying win11 and I wish I was, but yeah, I don't fancy paying for less features.