I have been just bewildered at the proliferation of excessive scripts and garbage on seemingly every webpage over the last decade. I'm no web-dev, but I'm pretty positive that the vast majority of websites could remove 99-some percent of their javascript bs and their websites would function just fine. So many are pretty much unusable these days. It's atrocious.
An unanswered phone is a happy phone.
"Disrupted". Grooooaaannn
Way too late. All of the harmful parts of social media are exploited and promoted by corporate interests, and llms are shaping up the same. Users have already shown they have no interest in policing themselves, so unless something is done to drastically restrain corporations, there's little that can or will be done to keep the new thing from being even worse than the old thing.
Who do you think you are? I am!
For real. My parents will cut off mid conversation to stare at their phone over something they just saw on fb or whatever, and I have to get their attention to resume the conversation we were already having. I don't think me chastising them for it would go over well, but damn.
Oh, and they still reprimand for having a phone in the "wrong" place (according to them). 🙄
I mean, yeah, if ethics are no barrier, you could probably make it work, hah. That said, there are much better money makers at that point than being tech support for businesses to switch to Linux.
Anyone who does that can make bank.
See, the key flaw in your plan is expecting companies to shell out to upgrade their systems. Putting aside organizations who's infrastructure can't realistically transfer to a new system without scrapping it entirely, pretty much every business will run their systems until they have literally no other choice (ie it is functionally unusable/affecting sales) instead of "losing money" upgrading. MS stopping updates won't push them over that line, at least not for a while.
This has nothing to do with llms. We've needed a drastic improvement to energy production for ages now, but infrastructure budgets never sound cool enough to actually get an increase, so here we are.
I think about that show surprisingly often and how amazing a compression method like that would be right now. Our internet and storage speeds have not remotely kept up with the rapidly expanding size of files these days.