
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Interesting, I've read / heard that cats heal themselves through purring but even that was just a guess with the next leading theory being that they'll purr when in pain to comfort themselves.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 months ago (7 children)

I imagine they could if they knew exactly what you did and when, but if it doesn't get discovered until later and nobody knows what happened, it would probably be a bitch to figure out

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

What I'm getting from reading these responses is that exercise can alleviate some of the crushing effects of depression, but because it's difficult and time consuming, you'll need a better reason for it than just "I'm suppose to" otherwise you'll just be making your life harder and creating an unhealthy relationship with exercise.

Everybody has to fight through the first few months to genuinely create a good workout habit, but if you start small (such as a 20 minute walk 3-4 days a week), you'll be able to ease into the really good stuff without so much hardship. The plan is to be working out for life, so what's the rush?

I believe the army created negative associations in me about exercise, since they used it as punishment and I always had the anxiety of my next PT test hanging over my head. It took a few years to disentangle myself from those connections and begin working out the way I wanted to and really seeing the results I was looking for. Now, after ~5 years of very frequent exercise, I'm finally getting to the point where I feel like it's a net positive to my mental health.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

You could certainly make the argument that reddit / Lemmy and anything similar is social media, but the anonymity means you aren't seeing or competing with people you know.

Idk, maybe I'm just coping, but I've never felt the need to do anything performative for the masses of internet strangers - unlike some friends of mine who studiously document anything fun we do for the ever important task of impressing people on Instagram.

Whenever the negative effects of social media come up, it tends to be about people comparing their "boring" lives with the carefully crafted veneer of other people's lives they see on social media. That doesn't happen (as much) when you don't use your identity and you don't know anybody else on the platform.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

I went on a deployment, got a nice gaming laptop for that. When I got home back to my desktop, I basically had no need for it so I hooked it up to my living room TV. At first I just played some controller friendly games on it, but now I use it as the entire media center with Stremio and qbittorrent and the likes. I use unified remote to have my phone as the remote.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago

I believe this meme qualifies as taking a shot back

[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago (2 children)

To be clear, I think they were asking about streaming torrents. Stremio with torrentio addon, for example.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Probably because hangover severity increases exponentially as you age. A 16 year old can knock back 20 shots in a night and basically die, but wake up with no hangover.

A 40 year old can drink 3 beers and spend 2 days recovering.

Extreme examples yes, but the younger you are the less you have to worry about hangovers and how to prevent / manage them.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

They could worry about regulating the industry to prevent exploitation and trafficking, but God knows they'll keep their hands out of that

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I tried that, we got a few auto feeders for a trip. Worked for those few days, but when we decided to stick with them, two of the cats eventually figured out how to manually dispense. I taped over the manual button, so they learned how to dig their paws in and around the inside to push the food out.

Problem there is that they were taking from the next batch that was set to dispense. The meal time would come and nothing would come out because they already ate it. They'd get mad and knock it them over, so they'd starve if I didn't intervene.

Yeah they're little dickheads.

I'm sure there's more robust auto feeders but I can only learn that after my cats have had a few weeks to fuck around with them 😂

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

1980 was 43 years ago :P

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm pretty specifically trying to bring to mind the time it takes to hone the skill. Photography is similar in that it takes many many hours to get to the point where you can produce a good work of art.

If an artist (or photographer) spends a couple hours on a peice, that's not the actual amount of time needed. It takes years to reach the point where they can make art in a few hours. That's what people are upset about, that's why nobody cares about "it took me hours to generate a good peice!", because it takes an artist 10,000 hours.

What AI art is doing is distilling that 10,000 hours (per artist) into a training set of 99% stolen works to allow someone with zero skill to produce a work of art in a few hours.

What's most problematic isn't who the copyright of the AI generated age belongs to, it's that artists who own their own works are having it stolen to be used in a commercial product. Go to any AI image generator, and you'll see "premium" options you can pay for. That product, that option to pay, only exists on the backs of artists who did not give licensing for their works, and did not get paid to provide the training data.

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