Care to explain why "Valve is a terrible company" and "Steam is an awful platform"? Surely, it has tons of porn games (that you can hide), or shitty games (that is hard to sort through), or CS:GO item gambling problems (don't really care). But I kind of fail to see how the company or the client could be fundamentally bad.
Funny, because it actually starts as noise, too.
Because OP said his PC is locked down.
All those Wordpad developers need something to do after all.
I have to kind of disagree with the last point. We have no caste systems, culinary arts are pretty non important, and usually if people want something new they will go to a specialized restaurant. How did the USA change their culinary arts in the past 30 years?
Construction, it did change, and it is constantly changing. We used to use just bricks, now we use porous concrete, and wooden is becoming interesting aswell. We are not building skyscrapers because they are ugly.
Or am I wrong? I am from Czechia.
I heard it could've been Aladeen, but they didn't know if it was too positive or negative.
Concept, yes. The actual infrastructure, tool chains, and processes are usually not. The IDE is different, the language is different, the keyboard shortcuts are different.
The only non-pain point are probably assets. But the code is not really transferable.
Most of the stuff needs to be completely rewritten.
Also investors pushing for higher profit margins. Unity is publicly traded company.
I'll gunzip
you to oblivion!
Was "fuck your liver" as in "once is enough to fuck your liver" or as in "do this every day over a month to see any significant damage" kind of thing.
Still valid Python code ^/s^
Yes, I agree that 30% is a lot. But let's look from another perspective: If a developer, for ease of calculation, sells a game for 30$ on Steam, he receives 20$. If he sells it on a competitive platform with 5% cut (that's 6x less than Steam) he gets 27$.
However, Steam is way bigger, and if a developer can sell the same game more times on Steam (33% more times to be exact), he breaks even.
More people to buy = more people to play = bigger player base => more people buy it. It is a poaitive feedback loop.
I am not arguing that 30% is good, all I am saying is I understand that Steam has to take a big cut to pay for the features it provides for "free" alongside the usual game content (cloud saves, community, workshop, utems, etc.).