Nah, usually some of the lights are out and there is mushy spots on the ceiling.
I know right! I hate that so much new tech needs an app and will lose functionality/stop working if the company stop supporting it or you phone stop working with the app.
The app is ios only and you need to buy hepa bags every week for it. Those kind of kill it for me.
That is kind of what you get when you buy super processed foods. If you want to save money you have to buy low processed foods. For example, you can get a 3lb bag of apples ($5), 5 cans of beans ($5), 2lb carrots ($2), 5 lbs Potatoes ($5) for the same price.
Looks cute! I wonder how good the typing is on it.
As a person who enjoys clean air I approve of this.
This is how it is for a lot of real artist too lol.
Those look really cool! I wonder what the installation process is like. I installed tannus solid tires on my commuter bike and I like them but they where a nightmare to install. My arm and shoulder where sore for like a week after I put them on because of how much pressure and finesse it took to get the 200 or so plastic pins to pop into the rim. At least I'm confident they will never come off on there own.
Oh, damn I have one of these in one of my systems. I'm going to have to find it now and replace it. :(