My screen is still the same 144hz. How do you make it go faster?
Wish he would just provide different mixes on the disk. You know, one mix for normal people, and one mix for Nolan's personal theater where he can benefit from a theater mix on a blu-ray.
Isn't DaVinci resolve free?
Yeah this was a big change for my parents who always complained about slow wifi speeds. I spent a summer wiring the walls with cat6 and plugged everything I could directly into a big switch I got for them. Printers, desktops, start tvs, the lot. Then I set them up with multiple access points and voilà, the wifi is suddenly fast again without upgrading their plan
That's not what modems or routers do. Your ISP sets your speed somewhere else, not at the modem/router level.
Booo. Orson Scott Card took that term from Ursula K. Le Guin.
One random thing that really annoys me is that the site does not properly forward http requests to https although they have an https version of the site.
Pokemon Fire Red or Dark Souls
Yeah... I'd say watch it and just enjoy the first 3–5 seasons which contain arguably some of the best television ever made. Things start to do downhill as the writes had less and less source material to work off of, but season 6 is ok. Season 7 I think is bad. It's mostly just setup for the last season which failed miserably, and I think it would have been good had they managed to pull through with 8. Idk. Maybe just make up your own ending after watching the first 6–7 seasons.
Nvidia shield is what I got instead of Roku and holy shit it's so much better. It can be flashed with another OS as well.