It probably depends on the seller. Amazon doesn't buy/sell everything themselves on their site. Many things are from smaller companies using Amazon as a front end store.
Selling things to US customers can be quite complicated for European sellers and many simply choose not to. The issue being customs fees and registration for individual state sales taxes and such. It's a pretty heavy and costly process just to send a few products. If it was possible to sell a lot of products that way, Amazon would already be doing it and could easily outcompete their own seller clients.
My work has a EU only webshop and I've noticed that some Americans place their orders to be delivered to a German address and get charged German sales tax. I suppose there's some company forwarding the packages and doing the paperwork.
I saw a headline on some guitar magazine "These are the most over priced guitars currently". Says a lot and it's true.
There's not much point in throwing money at a brand name anymore. Quality control is long gone and they all come straight out of a factory anyway. It's alright though, because factory quality is decent, and with a little know-how you can easily make them play good.
My best guitar is a $100 kit-build. Acknowledging that I'd need to do a full setup on any guitar I figured I might as well paint and assemble it myself, because I'm not going to pay several hundreds just for a paint job and a logo.