A bully always makes sense when the other kid can’t punch back. Aircraft carriers are a wonderful tool as long as small actors don’t have the asymmetric ability to sink them.
Maybe a cello if it was human grade. But that’s tartigrade.
The intermediate step is a human stealth aircraft commanding multiple drone weapons platforms.
We hear so little about the Chinese station, but it’s pretty impressive
I’m told you are supposed to pick up the good ones.
Does “a foreign language” count?
Oh god, the stock market. Trying to trade open at 6:30am as a night owl is the worst.
That was wonderful, I’d never seen it. Well, it was wonderful but absurd.
A character with ADD who is lvl 2 in every class.
I still want the Muppet D&D movie, where the Muppets are playing at the table and human actors (voiced by the muppets) represent them during the action.
Look for wassailing music. It’s old caroling music that tends german, and can be a nice change of pace.
I feel like you’re either just starting to learn rhetoric or military theory, and I am rooting for you either way, there is a lot to learn ahead of you.