Don’t have links atm but
Alpha Wolf (Just released a record today)
Erra (just released an record today)
Knocked Loose
Orbit Culture
Darko US
Invent Animate
Bury Tomorrow
Don’t have links atm but
Alpha Wolf (Just released a record today)
Erra (just released an record today)
Knocked Loose
Orbit Culture
Darko US
Invent Animate
Bury Tomorrow
I think I am less concerned about the ransomware and more confused as to why there is a wrench that can connect to the internet. What use would that provide to the user that would improve it?
Thanks I hate it
Bro what the hell at the Suicide Silence show I was at there was a dude dressed as a banana. He moshed the whole fuckin show too.
Show was super good! Neck is sore though lol.
Been putting in the exercise as I see Chelsea Grin and Suicide Silence tonight. My back and neck are not ready.
I agree that it’s a problem but lithium is not an easy mineral to mine or extract and it leads to a lot of nasty biproducts.
Do you have a link to said video? Not because I disagree but because that sounds super interesting to watch.
I get the whole video, it has a lot of stuff that is bad for LTT, what bothers me is the editing style. It feels more like a hit piece than a piece of criticism with how the cuts are made. If this was to be a video calling out the behaviour and actions of LTT and their channels I think it could have been edited in a way that didn’t seem to have constant cut ins from various videos mocking them. I could see a different cut done by a different editor that took the whole project seriously that would be more effective.
Why do these three look like the boys in Aunty Donna?
Here’s a great video by People Male Games about this!