Not necessarily. Which is why I deleted my comment. It's entirely possible that other EV brands expanded and the overall EV market share increased while one single brand of EV contracted compared to the top selling ICEVs.
Yes it is absolutely worth it. I'm personally using SaltStack because I already knew some but if I were starting anew I'd go with Ansible. I completely disagree with the opinion that it's similar to Bash but I don't have the energy to go into detail for why. From user's perspective, config management code is much clearer to read and write, much less error prone than bash scripts and it's easy to reuse other people's battle tested code (often in production) to deploy things for yourself. Personally I find it way easier to read Salt code I forgot everything about than Bash.
Perhaps a bit better source. At least a bit less irritating to read.
Gboard is alright.
Along with non-profit verified review orgs like Consumer Reports.
Assembly 85.0%
C 13.1%
To the surprise of very few with functional brains.
Sorry why should I be against that?
Silicon Valley needs unions yesterday. Curbing these bros' enthusiasm via the ballot box alone would be very difficult given the amount of money they can deploy onto politicians. Without workers, they can't do anything.
I feel like we'd have to drastically expand the reliance on GPG signatures for a lot more than email..